Lauri Räpp

Lauri Räpp (born 9 May 1977) is a marketer, copywriter, poet and prose writer.

Räpp was born and attended school in Tartu. He studied business management at the University of Tartu where he obtained a master’s degree in marketing.

Räpp became known to the broader audience with his first collection of poetry Lihtsate asjade tähtsus, tähtsate asjade lihtsus (‘The Importance of Simple Things, the Simplicity of Important Things’, 2021), which stands out with wording the meanings of life and existence in simple and generally understandable language, offering the reader opportunities for identification and reading the collection as a self-help book in a poetic form. The poetry collection foregrounds the urban environment; the city is also the focus of the books Linn on minu: Tartu tahavaatepeeglis (‘The City is Mine: Tartu in the Rearview Mirror’, 2016) and Minu Tartu (‘My Tartu’, 2019), which look at the city of the author’s childhood and youth in the Soviet period. The author’s journeys are mapped in the travel books See ei ole minu Kuuba (‘This is Not My Cuba’, 2015) and Maailma lõpus on kohvik (‘At the End of the World There’s a Café’, (2018).

Räpp has compiled the collection Ajatu puudutus. 120 luuletust inimeseks olemisest (‘Timeless Touch. 120 Poems About Being Human’, 2023), which, in addition to texts by various authors, includes Räpp’s own contemplative interludes. He has written song lyrics and the children’s play Marakratt ja kesköine raamatukogu (‘Little Brat and the Midnight Library’).

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Poetry collections
Lihtsate asjade tähtsus, tähtsate asjade lihtsus. Tallinn: Rahva Raamat, 2021, 255 lk

See ei ole minu Kuuba. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2015, 257 lk
Maailma lõpus on kohvik. Tallinn: Rahva Raamat, 2018, 191 lk

Linn on minu: Tartu tahavaatepeeglis. Tallinn: ITI, 2016, 203 lk
Minu Tartu. Tartu: Petrone Print, 2019, 255 lk

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