Triin Paja

Triin Paja (born 26 October 1990) is a poet and translator.

For her debut collection Nõges (‘Nettle’, 2018), Paja received the Betti Alver Betti Alver Debut Prize together with Raul Oreškin’s collection Kui ma vananen… (‘When I Get Older’). In the same year, she received the poetry prize of the journal Värske Rõhk, and, in 2020, the Juhan Liiv Poetry Prize for the poem Öö on tume nagu õdede juuksed (‘The Night is Dark Like Sisters’ Hair) which was published in Värske Rõhk in 2019 and in the collection Ürglind (‘Archaeopteryx’) in 2021. Triin Paja is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2022.

Paja’s characteristic features — the richness of images and introspectiveness, motifs of nature, beliefs and myths — are entwined into a magic whole; the theme of loved ones and death are more closely dealt with in the collection Jõe matmine (‘Burying the River’, 2022).

Paja has translated the US poet Donika Kelly’s poetry collection Bestiary into Estonian.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Poetry collections
Nõges. Tallinn: Kultuurileht, 2018, 94 lk
Ürglind. Tallinn: Tuum, 2021, 78 lk
Jõe matmine. Luige: Verb, 2022, 52 lk