Marge Pärnits

Marge Pärnits (born 16 December 1976) is a poet and children’s writer.

Pärnits was born in Tartu. She completed Tartu Secondary School No. 8 in 1994, studied textile art at Tartu Art School and graduated from Tartu Art College in 2003 in the speciality of computer graphics. From 2015–2017, she studied cultural management at the University of Tartu and obtained a master’s degree with the thesis Mänguasja- ja lastemuuseumid kui laste kultuuripärandi väärtustajad (‘Toy and children’s museums as carriers of cultural heritage’). Since 2003, she has been working at Tartu Toy Museum.

Marge Pärnits made her debut with the children’s book Nässu in 2014. She has written four more books about the teddy bear Nässu and the real live dog Mustikas.

In 2015, Marge Pärnits published her first poetry collection Varastatud kevad (‘Stolen Spring’). Thereafter, three poetry collections followed with two-year intervals. The books Sinine värv on otsas (‘Blue Paint Has Run Out’, 2019) and Süda me rahu (‘Calm of Our Heart’, 2021) continue the diary-like description of the world of her earlier poetry collections. Pärnits’ poems are predominantly in free verse, but there are also poems with rhymed quatrains and prose poetry. The main themes of Marge Pärnits’ poetry are the small wonders and joys of everyday life amidst the circulation of seasons. The hub of the author’s artistic experiences is the town of Tartu, particularly the Karlova neighbourhood, her long-time residence.

In 2023, the Theatre Bus performed Pärnits’ play for children, Professor Peni (‘Professor Pooch’).

From English, Marge Pärnits has translated poems, children’s books and educative books from several spheres of life. She has been a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union since 2020.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Varastatud kevad. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2015. 91 lk.
Õnneks oled mul sina. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2017. 95 lk.
Sinine värv on otsas. Tartu: Małgosia, 2019. 83 lk.
Süda me rahu. Tartu: Małgosia, 2021. 91 lk.

Children’s books
Nässu. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2014. 51 lk.
Nässu ja lumekruubid. Tartu: Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum, 2019. 52 lk. [Lood ja luuletused.]
Must kass ja Mustikas. Tartu: Małgosia, 2020. 35 lk.
Nässu ja ko-hu-ta-valt kole kummik. Tartu: Tartu Mänguasjamuuseum, 2021. 68 lk.
Mustikas ja maruline jooks. Tartu: Małgosia, 2022. 40 lk.