Jim Ollinovski

Jim Ollinovski (real name Ott Ollino, 23 July 1974 – 23 April 1993) was a poet and artist.

He was born and attended school in Elva and began his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Tartu. He died in Pärnu under unclear circumstances and is buried in Elva cemetery.

Ollinovski was considered one of the most remarkable young poets of his time. From 1991 his poems were published in the journals Looming and Vikerkaar; in 1992 the yearbook of Elva Secondary School Männikasvud (‘Pine Sprouts’) published a special issue of his poems.  His poetry collections Luuletused (‘Poems’, 1994) and Aeroplaan esimesest silmapilgust (‘Airplane from the First Glance’, 2009) were published posthumously. His poetry reflects the young poet’s searches and experiments, stands out with rich cultural allusions, includes mythologisation and surrealist images. Ollinovski’s poetry reveals the influences of 20th-century avant-garde trends in European literature and rock culture.

His texts have been set to music, e.g., Unustatu (‘Forgotten’) with music by Meelis Leis and performed by the music group Ummamuudu, Öiste vestluste vari (‘Shadow of Nightly Talks’) performed by Kago (Lauri Sommer’s one-man-band) and several songs of the music group Kosmikud.

Ollinovski also wrote prose and plays and was engaged in art.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)


Books in Estonian

Poetry collections
Luuletused. Koostanud Ülo Haljasorg. Tallinn: Detlar, 1994, 126 lk
Aeroplaan esimesest pilgust. Koostanud Epp Ollino ja Mart Velsker. Tallinn: Pilgrim, 2009, 165 lk