Uku Masing – about


Külliki Kuusk, Uku Masing: Stretching the Borders. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 28, 2009.
Vincent B. Leitch, Religious Vision in Modern Poetry: Uku Masing Compared With Hopkins and Eliot. – Journal of Baltic Studies, vol 5, no 4, 1974, pp 281-294.
Vincent B. Leitch, Religious vision in modern poetry: Uku Masing. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 9, 1999.[shorter version of the article published in the Journal of Baltic Studies]

Arne Hiob, Grundlinien der Religionsphilosophie Uku Masings. – Arne Hiob: Uku Masingu religioonifilosoofia põhijooned. Dissertationes Theologiae Universitatis Tartuensis 4. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2000, pp 165-168.
Isidor Levin, Uku Masing (11.8.1909-25.4.1985). – Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, vol 59, 1987, pp 1-7.


Janika Kronberg, Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 13, 2001. [About the first volume of collected poems ‘Luule 1’ and the monograph about Uku Masing (in Estonian) by Ilmar Vene ‘Trotsija. Katse mõista Uku Masingut’ (‘Defiant. An Attempt to Understand Uku Masing’).]
Victor Terras, Ehatuule maa by Uku Masing. – World Literature Today, vol 63, no 1, 1989, p 136.
Ivar Ivask, Udu Toonela jõelt by Uku Masing; Piiridele pyydes by Uku Masing. – Books Abroad, vol 49, no 4, 1975, pp 814-815.
Ivar Ivask, Džunglilaulud by Uku Masing. – Books Abroad, vol 40, no 4, 1966, pp 495-496.

Cornelius Hasselblatt, [about the poetry collection ‘Ehatuule maa’, Tallinn, 1988]. – Estonia, vol 4, no 1, 1988, p 35.