Marko Mägi


Marko Mägi (29 April 1971 – 29 Mägi 2021) was a journalist and poet.

Mägi was born and attended school in Tallinn. Up to 2004, he worked as the editor of Areen, the culture supplement of the newspaper Eesti Ekspress. He is buried in Pärnamäe Cemetery in Tallinn.

Both his debut collection of poetry Maitsestatud kanad (‘Flavoured Chickens’, 2012) and Luukerena laanes ja linnas (‘As a Skeleton in Forest and City’, 2015), which consists of short stories initially published in Eesti Ekspress, are tightly related to the author’s personality, depicting the life and activities of a literator with a Bohemian lifestyle, active in the cultural sphere, with an attempt to find some philosophical foundation to it. An essential place in Mägi’s creation belongs to various parties and socialising, food and drinks.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Poetry collections
Maitsestatud kanad. Saarde, Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2012, 76 lk
Pealehakkamise küsimus. Saarde, Pärnu: 2015. 87 lk.

Short prose
Luukerena laanes ja linnas. Saarde, Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2015, 68 lk