Veiko Märka

Poems Veiko Märka

Short stories


Veiko Märka (b. 2. XI 1964) is a poet, prose writer, humourist and critic.

Märka was born in Tallinn, and educated in Keila and at the University of Tartu. He has worked on several publications. He is a member to the Tartu Young Authors’ Associacion and former chairman. He is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union since 2015.

One of the most outstanding humourists in Estonia, Veiko Märka is chiefly known for his texts full of word-play. For example, his poetry collection Keel tarretises (‘Tongue in Jelly’, 2001) is striking for its parodies and various kinds of puns, the raw material for which is extracted both from Estonian classics of poetry and from popular songs. The collections Põletada pärast lugemist: poeese ja aforisme 2001-2008 (‘Burn After Reading: Poems and Aphorisms 2001-2008’, 2009) and Kuidas seletada piiblit surnud jumalale: tõdemused 2008-2014 (‘How to Explain the Bible to a Dead God: Findings 2008-2014’, 2014) contain both reflections on the times and observations about everyday politics. Word-play in various genres is offered in his collection of short prose Lingvistiline mats (‘Linguistic Boor’, 2020). Mostly Märka’s material originates in the best-known aspects of Estonian culture; this collection too offers various kinds of absurd stories about Estonian cultural figures.

In the series of reminiscences “Stories of time”, Minu 1986. Tiigriaasta hullumajas (‘My 1986. The Year of the Tiger in the Madhouse’, 2016) offers a glimpse into living conditions in Soviet times, the central point of while is an escape to an asylum from being sent into the Soviet army. Elu on sõna. Kohtumised eesti kirjanikega (‘Life is a Word. Meetings with Estonian Writers’, 2018), in the series “Among writers”, deals with various points of contact by the author with Estonian writers, and offers interludes on subjects associated with the writers. In recent years Märka has also written children’s stories and poetry.

Märka’s play Lambasihver (‘Sheepface’) won second prize in the play competition run in 2019 by the Estonian Theatre Agency.

A. K. (Translated by C. M.)


Books in Estonian

Short prose
Töörahva elu. Tartu: V. Märka, 2001, 94 lk.
Armastuskunsti suured võlurid. Saarde, Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2012, 173 lk.

Tühja aju korinad. Tartu: EKSi Kaasaegse Kunsti Keskus, 1997, 28 lk.
Keel tarretises. Tartu: V. Märka, 2001, 96 lk.
Põletada pärast lugemist: poeese ja aforisme 2001-2008. Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2009, 80 lk.
Kuidas seletada piiblit surnud jumalale: tõdemused 2008-2014. Tallinn: Henrik, 2014, 119 lk.

Children’s literature
Barutino: puust sumomaadleja ja tema sõprade seiklused. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2015, 103 lk.
Kuidas kuud endale mütsid said. Tallinn: Koolibri, 2019, 56 lk.

Lendas üle marmortahvli: vesteid. Tallinn: Jutulind, 2007, 140 lk.
Lingvistiline mats: lühikesed, veel lühemad ja peaaegu nähtamatud lood. Tartu: Vabamõtleja, 2020, 206 lk.

Minu 1986: tiigriaasta hullumajas. Tartu: Petrone Print, 2016, 134 lk.
Elu on sõna. Kohtumised eesti kirjanikega. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2018, 173 lk.