Kristel Mägedi-Vaik

Kristel Mägedi-Vaik (born 7 December 1981) is an actor, artist, poet and musician.

Mägedi-Vaik was born in Viljandi.  She graduated from the Viljandi Culture Academy of the University of Tartu in 2005 as an actor. She has recurrently performed her poetry and narrative songs at HeadRead literature festivals, poetry and literature recitals across Estonia, at libraries, schools and private events. Mägedi-Vaik is a member of Tartu Young Authors’ Association and the Estonian Writers’ Union (from 2020). She is married to writer and musician Mait Vaik.

Kristel Mägedi-Vaik has published three poetry collections. She uses free verse. In their content and mood, her texts are close to short prose. She writes about the life of simple people.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Ebastabiilne Element, Orgaaniline hallutsinoos. Viljandi: Z¤14, 2014. 54 lk.
Mitteelamise kunst. Saarde; Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2015. 63 lk.
Teadetetahvlite informatsioonid galaktilistel vahemaandumistel. Metsakasti: Paljasjalg, 2018. 74 lk.