Maarja-Liis Mölder

Maarja-Liis Mölder (born 8 November 1994) is a journalist and poet.

Mölder was born in Põltsamaa, completed Põltsamaa Coeducational Gymnasium, studied at Tallinn University and worked as a journalist. Mölder started writing poems when at basic school. She learned creative writing at Drakadeemia (a private school in Tallinn specializing on theatre-specific creative writing and other theatre-related subjects).

Maarja-Liis Mölder is interested in people who find themselves in complicated situations in life. She attempts to interpret the essence of being human. Despite difficult themes like old age, loneliness and challenges of life, Mölder’s creation is full of positivity.

In 2022, Mölder’s second poetry collection Meesinine (‘Honey Blue’) was nominated for the Cultural Endowment Annual Award. She has been a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2022.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Miks teisi ei lööda. Tallinn: Vihmakass ja Kakerdaja, 2019. 49 lk.
Meesinine. Tallinn: Vihmakass ja Kakerdaja, 2022. 78 lk.