Helena Läks


Helena Läks (born 4 September 1987) is a poet, editor, translator and publisher.

Läks was born in Kuressaare and studied philosophy and theology at the University of Tartu. From March 2022, she has been working as literary editor at the Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences. She is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2015.

Läks’ debut collection of poetry Helena läks (‘Helena Went’) appeared at the end of 2010. This is a strongly experimental and, in the opinion of many critics, a rebellious book, which placed Läks among “angry young women poets”. The second book of poetry, Korrosioonikihk (‘Craving for Corrosion’) appeared in summer 2014 and consists of 15 poems. The tone of the poems has calmed down and is not stormy and piercing anymore. Läks’ poems have been published in the periodicals Müürileht, Värske Rõhk, Vikerkaar and Looming.

She has published a children’s book Kasside salajane pagaritöökoda (‘Cats’ Secret Bakery’).

Together with poet Maarja Pärtna, she founded the small publishing company Elusamus (‘Enlivening’), which operates in Tartu. She has also published interviews, articles, criticism of music and literature. She has edited poetry collections of many young Estonian poets and translated fiction from English into Estonian.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)


Books in Estonian

Helena läks. Tallinn: Verb, 2010. 44 lk.
Korrosioonikihk. Luige (Kiili vald): Verb, 2014. 40 lk.

Children’s books
Kasside salajane pagaritöökoda. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2016. 45 lk.