Tamur Kusnets

Tamur Kusnets (born 1. VII 1975) is a writer and an active serviceman.

Kusnets graduated the 1st Secondary School in Kunda in 1993, after which he undertook military service and chose a career in the Defence Forces. He has graduated from the Estonian National Defence College and worked as a lecturer in the same College. Kusnets is employed in the Defence Forces. He is a member of the Writers’ Union since 2016.

Kusnets has written the novel trilogy Hundipäikese aeg (‘Time of the Wolf Sun’), which was published from 2008-2010. These history-inspired fantasy books transport the reader to the bloody battles of the beginning of the Dark Ages. The series takes place around the year 450 in the territories of North Germany and Denmark. According to the author, he was inspired by the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf among other works.

Kusnets’ novel Püha Jüri kutsikad (‘The Puppies of Saint George’), which focuses on the Saint George’s Night Uprising of Estonian peasants against Danish and German landlords in 1343, was published in 2012. At the forefront of the novel is a romantic love story. His 2016 historical novel Puud kasvavad kõigile (‘Trees Grow for Everybody’) takes place in the region of Wallachia in the age of Vlad Dracula (15th century).

L. P. (Translated by A. A.)


Books in Estonian

Hundipäikese aeg. I. Metsiku jahi algus. Tallinn: Pegasus, 2008, 437 lk.
Hundipäikese aeg. II. Vaen võtab verejälge. Tallinn: Pegasus, 2009, 487 lk.
Hundipäikese aeg. III. Hullud on hundid ja hullud on hagijad. Tallinn: Pegasus, 2010, 595 lk.
Püha Jüri kutsikad. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2012, 280 lk.
Puud kasvavad kõigile. Ajaloolis-humoorikas kolejutt. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2016, 600 lk.