Krister Kivi (born 9 May 1975) is a journalist, poet and prose writer.
Kivi has worked for the newspapers Eesti Ekspress and Postimees. He has written investigative articles, social journalism, personality stories and travelogues and has won several journalism awards, among others the Investigative Journalism Award in 2007 and the Bonnier Prize for an article about Estonian drug couriers he wrote together with Janar Filippov. Krister Kivi’s mother is writer and journalist Aita Kivi.
Krister Kivi has published one novel and one poetry collection. The novel 11 reveals the life of the author’s generation for whom the endless opportunities of modern cosmopolitanism are both a solution and a source of permanent fatigue. The poetry collection Tulles lähemale (‘Coming Closer’) includes 22 free verse texts from 1998–2005. The themes of the poems are time, memory, body, closeness and loneliness, water and sky.
The travelogue Õhus: pilvetekste aastatest 2009–2019 (‘In the Air: Cloud Texts from 2009–2019’) consists of short stories that depict the author’s adventures while traveling around the world, mostly small details before or after a flight, while in airports or on a plane.
L. P. (Translated by I.A.)
Books in Estonian
11. Tallinn: Menu Kirjastus, 2010. 200 lk.
Tulles lähemale. Tartu: K. Kivi, 2005. 37 lk.
Õhus: pilvetekste aastatest 2009–2019. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2020. 422 lk.
Essays and articles
Eesti Maja: liiter pisaraid, 62 000 kilomeetrit, veidike verd. Tallinn: Eesti Ekspressi Kirjastus, 2007. 232 lk.
IME!: kaheksa isiklikku lugu seitsmest erilisest paigast. Tallinn: Go Group, 2008. 120 lk.