Kaarel Kressa

Kaarel Kressa

Kaarel Kressa (born 27 August 1983) is a journalist and poet.

Kressa was born in Tallinn, studied French philology at Tallinn Pedagogical University, did occasional jobs and worked as a translator at a translation bureau. From 2006, he has worked as a journalist for the Eesti Päevaleht newspaper. He is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2014.

Kressa has published poems and humorous stories in the periodicals Sirp, Vikerkaar and Eesti Päevaleht. Kressa has published his own poetry collection Oidroon (2005) and the poetry collection Vereurmarohumesi (‘Swallowwort Honey’, 2011), which was published between the same covers with Krafinna’s poetry collection Teki all ja köögikardinate taga (‘Under the Blanket and behind the Kitchen Curtains’). Kressa practises rhymed poetry.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Oidroon. 21 luuletust. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2005, 30 lk.
Krafinna, Teki all ja köögikardinate taga; Kaarel Kressa, Vereurmarohumesi. Koostas Kivisildnik. Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2011, 38+36 lk.