Helen Kallaste

Helen Kallaste (born 2 June 1981) is a heritage protection specialist and poet.

Kallaste received her education at the Estonian Academy of Arts as a heritage protector and conservator and works in this speciality at the Heritage Protection Unit of Tallinn Urban Planning Department.

In 2000, she published some of her poems under the pseudonym of Siuts in the collection Mõned ei tahtnudki (‘Some Didn’t Even Want to’) of the literary grouping Tallinna Noored Tegijad (Young Doers of Tallinn). Her poetry collection Öö (‘Night’, 2000) also appeared under the same name.

In 2012, Kallaste published the poetry collection Kogutud hetked (‘Collected moments’). The book received the Siugjas Sulepea (‘Snaky Pen’) award and the Betti Alver Debut Prize. Most poems in the book Kogutud hetked have been written in 2002–2008, some of them later. The poems are genuinely personal. The book reveals the fragility of the world surrounding and encompassing the humans, but nonetheless, the poet’s senses and thoughts remain open. Its motifs show influences from Betti Alver and other classics of Estonian poetry, but the author has been able to present them with a fresh touch. There are some masterfully rhymed verses. The author has said that she considers the preservation and appreciation of the Estonian language one of the poet’s most essential tasks.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Siuts, Öö. Tallinn, 2000. 42 lk.
Kogutud hetked. Luige: Verb, 2012. 72 lk.