Jüri Kaldmaa

Jüri Kaldmaa

Jüri Kaldmaa (born 14 April 1968) is a poet, playwright, literary and theatre critic.

Kaldmaa was born in Pärnu. He completed Pärnu Secondary School No. 1 in 1986 and studied journalism at the Faculty of Philology of Tartu State University from 1986–1987. He has worked as a guard, school attendant, newspaper carrier, computer compositor for the newspaper Postimees, journalist for the newspaper Tartu Linnaleht, editor of the newspaper Eesti Kirik. He is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2005.

Jüri Kaldmaa has published two poetry collections – Passioon (‘Passion’, 2000) and Lapsevaev (‘Child’s Toil’, 2004) – and the collection of plays Kolmainsus (‘Trinity’, 2001). His poems, plays, reviews, essays and other writings have appeared in the journals Looming, Vikerkaar, Teater. Muusika. Kino and in the newspapers Sirp/Reede, Postimees, Eesti Ekspress and elsewhere. Jüri Kaldmaa’s play Surnud liblikate tants (‘Dance of Dead Butterflies’) won the first prize at the playwriting competition of the Ugala theatre in 1991.

A characteristic feature of Kaldmaa’s poetry is strict treatment of the form. He uses accentual-syllabic verse with end rhymes, preferring the iamb. The themes of his creation include love, loserly bohemianism, the slums of Tartu and melancholy blues.

Kaldmaa compiled Venda Sõelsepp’s memoirs and letters from the hard labour camp, Kolõma — kole maa (‘Kolyma — a Horrible Land’, 2021).

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Passioon. Tartu: Huma, 2000, 79 lk.
Lapsevaev. Tartu: Ilmamaa, 2004, 63 lk.

Short Prose
Isa kasvab pojaks: poeedi kollaažromaan 1986–2005. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2009, 287 lk. [Arvustused, artiklid, esseed, jutustused, luuletused, novellid.]

Kolmainsus. Tetraloogia. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2001, 385 lk. [Sisu: ‘Surnud liblikate tants’, ‘Delirium tremens’, ‘Askeet ja libu’, ‘Kolmkõla(d)’.]

Isa kasvab pojaks: poeedi kollaažromaan 1986–2005. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2009, 287 lk. [Arvustused, artiklid, esseed, jutustused, luuletused, novellid.]