Aime Hansen



Aime Hansen (born 16 August 1962) is a poet, prose writer and artist.

She was born and attended school in Tallinn and studied Estonian philology at Tartu State University. She has worked as a translator, language teacher and journalist. Has been a member of the Tartu Young Authors’ Association and, from 1996, of the Estonian Writers’ Union.

Aime Hansen has published poetry in the press from the early 1980s; her first collection Koduaja tuul (‘Hometime Wind’) appeared in 1982. It was followed by Kalade kuninga maa (‘Land of the King of Fishes’, 1988), Teekond madude saarele (‘Voyage to the Island of Snakes’, 1990) and Ma olin mereingel (‘I Was a Sea Angel’, 2011). Her originally idiosyncratic poetry is characterised by certain eclecticism; a significant basis for it lies in the myths and legends of different cultures, mysticism, dreams and religion.

She has received essential creative impulses from travelling and contacts with different cultures and religions, which have provided the subject matter, for example, for the short prose collection Jaipur-Delhi-Himaalaja: reisikohvrist leitud lood (‘Jaipur-Delhi-Himalaya: Stories Found in a Suitcase’, 2009, travel book award of the Go Travel travel agency). Eestlasena Londonis: kübar jalas, saabas peas (‘Estonian in London: Hat on Foot, Boot on Head’, 2011) and Uus-Meremaa sõnas ja pildis (‘New Zealand in Words and Pictures’, 2011) can also be considered travel books. Through the author’s subjective glance, they offer an insight into the countries’ culture and everyday life.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Koduaja tuul. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1982, 46 lk.
Kalade kuninga maa. Luulet 1981-1986. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1988, 83 lk.
Teekond madude saarele. Kujundanud ja illustreerinud A. Hansen, V. Sarapik. Tartu: Eesti Kostabi Selts, 1990, 81 lk.
Ma olin mereingel. Luige: Verb, 2011, 66 lk.

Jaipur – Delhi – Himaalaja. Reisikohvrist leitud lood. Toimetanud Linda Uustalu. Tallinn: Varrak, 2009, 406 lk.

Eestlasena Londonis: kübar jalas, saabas peas. Toimetaja Aita Kivi. Tallinn: Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 2011, 264 lk.
Uus Meremaa sõnas ja pildis. Toimetaja Mai Luht. Tallinn: Go Group, 2011, 304 lk.



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