Estonian pragmapoetics, from poetry and fiction to philosophy and genetics

By Arne Merilai
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023, xi+267 pp.


Aknowledgements p vii

Author’s Preface p viii

I General Poetics
Chapter I. Poetics Is in the Genes: First Manifesto
Chapter II. Unified Theoretical Field Perspectives: Second Manifesto
Chapter III. A Technical Turn and Poetic Declination: God Help Us

II Pragmapoetics
Chapter IV. Deictic Close Reading
Chapter V. Pragmapoetics as Literary Philosophy
Chapter VI. Postliminaria of Pragmapoetics
Chapter VII. Some Time Models in Estonian Traditional, Modern and Postmodern Poetry

III Estonian and Comparative Poetics
Chapter VIII. A. H. Tammsaare’s Epic Musicality
Chapter IX. Kalevipoeg: Aspects of Genre and Authorship
Chapter X. Kaplinski’s Line and Rummo’s Sparks: Structural Comparison
Chapter XI. Estonian Poetic Surrealism: Laaban and Ehin
Chapter XII. The Double-Tongued Author: Re-reading Sophocles, Thomas Hardy, and Eduard Vilde
Chapter XIII. The Age of Dickens in Estonian Literature: Some Comparative Perspectives with a Marxist Exposure
Chapter XIV. Of Hard Joy: Half a Century of Viivi Luik’s Creations. Poetry
Chapter XV. Of Hard Joy: Half a Century of Viivi Luik’s Creations. Prose
Chapter XVI. Viivi Luik. Varjuteater
Chapter XVII. Ene Mihkelson. Katkuhaud
Chapter XVIII. Ene Mihkelson. Torn
Chapter XIX. Genius of Estonian Poetry: Kristian Jaak Peterson


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