Andris Feldmanis


Andris Feldmanis (born 21 September 1982) is a script and prose writer.

Feldmanis graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Tartu in the speciality of history. He has worked as a journalist, film editor of the cultural pages of the newspaper Eesti Päevaleht, and a copywriter.

In cooperation with Livia Ulman, Andris Feldmanis has written scripts for the television series Ohtlik lend (‘Dangerous Flight), Kättemaksukontor (‘Revenge Office’), Kodu keset linna (‘Home Amidst the Town’), Elu keset linna (‘Life Amidst the Town’) and Keeris (‘Vortex’), and for the films Teesklejad (‘Pretenders’), Roosa kampsun (‘Pink Sweater’) and Kupee nr 6 (‘Compartment No. 6’). The Finnish-Estonian-Russian-German coproduction Kupee nr 6 (director Juho Kuosmanen) premiered in Cannes in 2021 and won the grand prix there.

Feldmanis’ fantasy novel Viimased tuhat aastat (‘The Last Thousand Years’) was published in 2016. Its scene is set in Berlin several centuries from now when life on the Earth is governed by machines and people live a aimless life of leisure. The book depicts the average man’s attempt to fight against the rule of machines and to find at least some meaning for life.

In 2022, Andris Feldmanis and Livia Ulman published the children’s book Erik Kivisüda (‘Erik Stoneheart’) which is based on the same authors’ film for children.

Andris Feldmanis has translated Terry Pratchett’s books from English.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Viimased tuhat aastat. Tallinn: Varrak, 2016. 197 lk.

Children’s books
Andris Feldmanis, Livia Ulman, Erik Kivisüda. Tallinn: Postimees Kirjastus, 2022. 319 lk.