Inna Feldbach

Inna Feldbach

Inna Feldbach (born 30. VI 1954) is a translator and poet.

Feldbach studied in Tallinn 21st Secondary School and from 1969 to 1972, in Tallinn 7th Secondary School. In 1978, she graduated Tartu State University as an English philologist with a degree in Romanic and Germanic languages and literature. She has worked at the Estonian Legal Language Center from 1995 to 1998, as the assistant to the Chair of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2004, at the magazine African Studies Review from 2001 to 2002 and at the Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia from 2012. In 2008, she joined the Estonian Writers’ Union.

In 2015, her poetry collection Nägija süda (‘Seer’s Heart’) was published. The collection consists of three cycles. Her poems express learnedness, femininity, word magic, and the skill to turn simple things into poetry.

Inna Feldbach, together with Alan Peter Trei, has translated the first novel of the Tõde ja õigus (‘Truth and Justice’) novel pentalogy by A. H. Tammsaare into English. The translation was published by the publishing house Vagabond Voices under the title Vargamäe in 2018. She has also translated the song cycle Isuri eepos (‘Izhorian Epic’) by Veljo Tormis and other folk poetry texts into English.

Feldbach has translated numerous fiction books from English and Spanish to Estonian (from 1987 to 1995, under the name Inna Kustavus), including the novel tetralogy Aleksandria kvartett (‘The Alexandria Quartet’) by Lawrence Durrell and prose by William Golding, Sylvia Plath and Camilo José Cela.

L.P. (Translated by A. A.)

Books in Estonian

Nägija süda. Toimetanud Rein Põder. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 2015, 95 lk.