Estonian Short Stories (1996)

Estonian Short Stories. Edited by Kajar Pruul, translated by Darlene Reddaway and Ritva Poom. Evanston [Ill]: Northwestern University Press, 1996, 277 pp.


Translator’s Note
Arvo Valton, Vernanda Bread. [’Vernanda leib’.]
Arvo Valton, The Snare I-III. [’Silmus’, I-III.]
Arvo Valton, Photosensitivity. [’Fototundlikkus’.]
Arvo Valton, On the Church Step. [’Kirikutrepil’.]
Mati Unt, The Fish’s Revenge. [’Kala kättemaks’.]
Mati Unt, The Black Motorcyclist. [’Must mootorrattur’.]
Mati Unt, He Translated. [’Tõlkis’.]
Mati Unt, Tantalus. [’Tantalos’.]
Jaan Kross, Hallelujah. [’Halleluuja’.]
Jaan Kross, The Day His Eyes Are Opened. [‘Silmade avamise päev’.]
Toomas Vint, The Swan-Stealing. [’Luigevargus’.]
Toomas Vint, This So Unexpected and Embarrassing a Death. [’See nii ootamatu ja ebamugav surm’.]
Mari Saat, Elsa Hermann.
Toomas Raudam, Drooping Wings. [’Lodus tiivad’.]
Ülo Mattheus, Our Mother. [’Meie ema’.]
Ülo Mattheus, The Road to Rome. [’Tee Rooma’.]
Maimu Berg, The Rococo Lady. [’Rokokoo daam’.]
Maimu Berg, The Mill Ghost. [’Veskitont’.]
Jüri Ehlvest, Disintegration of the Spiral. [’Spiraali lagunemine’.]
Biographical Notes