Anne-Mari Alver

Anne-Mari Alver (12 December 1973 – 08 May 2023) was a journalist, publisher and writer.

For decades, she worked as a journalist for the newspaper Õhtuleht. Mainly to publish her own and her friends’ books, she established the publishing company Kentaur. She died after serious illness.

In her work in journalism, Alver often dealt with criminal themes. She visited the women’s prison at Harku where she interviewed murderers. This is how Alver’s first book Vägivalla tütred (‘Daughters of Violence’, 2003) was born. Tellitud mõrvad (‘Ordered Murders’) appeared six years later.

Anne-Mari Alver also wrote for children. A memorable character in her books for toddlers is a boy called Ats. Alver’s Klaasikillud asfaldil (‘Shards of Glass on Asphalt’) is a book for young readers which describes children’s feelings when their parents divorce.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Documentary prose
Vägivalla tütred. Tallinn: Hai Uim, 2003. 189 lk.
Tellitud mõrvad. Žanr: võib-olla fiktsioon. Habaja: Kentaur, 2009. 148 lk.

Books for children
Meie, teistmoodi lapsed. Habaja: Kentaur, 2015. 26 lk.
Atsi tunded. Habaja: Kentaur, 2017. 31 lk.
Klaasikillud asfaldil. Habaja: Kentaur, 2018. 96 lk.
Meie teistmoodi vanemad. Habaja: Kentaur, 2018. 41 lk.

Sedelid Ghanast, armastuse ja tänuga. Habaja: Kentaur, 2019. 95 lk.

Jane Vain, Anne-Mari Alver, Büroo – kontor või kummut?. Tallinn: Estada Kirjastus, 2003. 254 lk.