Anu Saluäär

Anu Saluäär (Vaher until 1971; from 2011, Saluäär-Kall; 16. IX 1948) is a translator and editor.

Saluäär was born in Tallinn. She was first educated in Tallinn, after which she studied Estonian language and literature at the history and language department of the Tartu State University (1972). She worked for the publishing house Eesti Raamat, was an editor at the publishing department of the Estonian Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, and worked for the journal Loomingu Raamatukogu, where she was also editor-in-chief from 2008-2013. She is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union.

Saluäär is mostly known for translating Scandinavian and mainly Swedish literature. She has written afterwords and published articles on Scandinavian literature as well. Her articles are featured in the collections Põhjamaadest ja Eestist: kirjutisi 1987-2008 (‘On Nordic Countries and Estonia: Writings 1978-2008’, 2008) and Lähedased rannad: kirjutisi 2008-2018 (‘Nearby Shores: Writings 2008-2018’, 2018). The travelogue Rändamisest ja väljarändamisest (‘On Migration and Emigration’, 2007) follows in the footsteps of Swedish writer’s Vilhelm Moberg’s works.

Saluäär has been awarded the annual award (1990) and translation award (1991) of the Estonian Writers’ Union for translating Scandinavian literature, the prize of the Estonian Cultural Foundation (1997), The Order of the White Star, V Class (2001), Literature Endowment Annual Award for translating Sisserändajad (‘Immigrants’, 2005) by Vilhelm Moberg, the Vilhelm Moberg Society prize (2006), The Royal Order of the Polar Star of Sweden, I Class (2006), the E. W. Ponkala Foundation prize (2008) and the Edvin and Lembe Hiedel editor prize (2017).

A. K. (Trandlated by A. A.)



Books in Estonian

Rändamisest ja väljarändamisest. Reisikiri. Tallinn: Kultuurileht (Loomingu Raamatukogu), 2007, 93 lk.
Põhjamaadest ja Eestist. Kirjutisi 1987-2008. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2008, 590 lk.
Sirje Olesk, Anu Saluäär, Palat nr. 6. Kaks artiklit “Loomingu Raamatukogu” ajaloost. Tallinn: Kultuurileht (Loomingu Raamatukogu), 2017, 63 lk.
Lähedased rannad. Kirjutisi 2008-2018. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2018, 379 lk.