General treatments – articles in English

Chen Dahong, Jüri Talvet, Contemporary Drama and Theatre in Estonia. Conversing with Drama Directors Lembit Peterson, Tiit Palu and Ivar Põllu. – Interlitteraria, vol 25, no 1, 2020 pp 260-272,
Elle-Marie Talivee, Foreword. – Baltic Belles. The Dedalus Book of Estonian Women’s Literature. Edited by Elle-Mari Talivee; translated by Adam Cullen, Eva Finch, Jason Finch, Christopher Moseley. Sawtry: Dedalus, 2018, 234 pp. [See contents of the anthology.]
Aija Sakova, Estonian-Russian literature: Estonian literature written in Russian. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 46, 2018, p 28-33
Peeter Helme, The role of history in Estonian prose. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 46, 2018, p 38-42
Luule Epner, Postcolonialism and Baltic Drama. – Interlitteraria, vol 22, no 1, 2017, pp 207-216. [Review of Benedikts Kalnačs, ’20th Century Baltic Drama: Postcolonial Narratives, Decolonial Options’, Aisthesis Verlag, 2016, 235 pp.]
Brita Melts, Peripheries of (be)longing in contemporary Estonian literature. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 43, 2016. [About poetical geographies and landscapes of various Estonian authors]
Anneli Kõvamees, Insight into Prison Camp Novels by Estonian Writers. – Interlitteraria, vol 21, no 2, 2016, pp 318-332. [About the novels by Arved Viirlaid, Agu Kask, Aili Helm, Albert Uustulnd and Raimond Kaugver.]
Mirjam Hinrikus,
 J. Randvere’s “Ruth” (1909) as an Example of Literary Decadence and the Quintessence of Young Estonia’s (1905–1915) Modern Ideology. – Interlitteraria, vol 20, no 2, 2015, pp 199-214.
Anneli Saro, Language on the Stage – Questions of Identity and Ideology. – Interlitteraria, vol 20, no 1, 2015, pp 69-82.
Anneli Kõvamees, Out of the Unknown and into the Limelight:
The Case of Estonian Russian Literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 20, no 1, 2015, pp 83-93.
Mart Velsker, South Estonian Literature: A New Phenomenon with a Centuries-long History. – Interlitteraria, vol 20, no 1, 2015, pp 115-130.
Anneli Mihkelev, Modernity, Intertextuality and Decolonization: Some Examples from Estonian and Latvian Literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 20, no 1, 2015, pp 156-167.
Arne Merilai, The Ages of Dickens in Estonian Literature. Some Comparative Perspectives with a Marxist Exposure. – Interlitteraria, vol 19, no 2, 2014, pp 372-387.
Benedikts Kalnačs, 20th Century Baltic Drama: Comparative Paradigms. – Interlitteraria, vol 19, no 1, 2014, pp 33-53.
Rein Veidemann, About Rhetorical “Gestures” of Estonian Culture. – Interlitteraria, vol 19, no 2, 2014, pp 330-339. [About the rhetorical life of phrases taken from Kreutzwald’s “Kalevipoeg” (‘Kalev’s son’), Tammsaares ‘Tõde ja Õigus’ (‘Truth and Justice’), Oskar Luts’s ‘Kevade’ (‘Spring’) and from the works of Juhan Liiv.]
Jüri Talvet, Introduction: (Post)modern Estonian Poetry. – Contemporary Estonian Poetry. A Baltic Anthology: Book Three. Edited by Inara Cedrins. New Orleans: UNO Press, 2013, pp 13-18.
Marja Unt, The National Literary Canon in the Field of Tension Between Aesthetic and Ideological Principles. – Interlitteraria, vol 18, no 1, 2013, pp 80-89. 
Suliko Liiv, Maris Sõrmus, Julia Tofantčuk, Ecocritical considerations of nature in Contemporary British and Estonian literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 18, no 1, 2013, pp 108-123.
Liina Lukas, Epp Annus, Piret Peiker, Colonial Regimes in Baltic States. – Interlitteraria, vol 18, no 2, 2013, pp 545-554.
Katre Talviste, Is there a World Poetry within the World Literature? On the Position of Translated Lyrical Poetry in the Estonian and French High School Curricula. – Interlitteraria, vol 17, no 1-2, 2012, pp 241-253.
Lauri Pilter, Stuck in the Funicular: the Deceptive Levity of Translating Poetic Stoppages of Imagery. – Interlitteraria, vol 17, no 1-2, 2012, pp 294-299.

Liina Lukas, The Shifting Position of German Literature in the Estonian Canon of World Literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 17, no 1-2, 2012, pp 225-240.
Martin Carayol, Elements of folklore in Finnish and Estonian fantasy literature. – Johanna Laakso, Johanna Domokos (eds), Multilingualism and multiculturalism in Finno-Ugric literatures. Vienna: LIT Verlag, 2012.
Rutt Hinrikus, Russians in Estonian literature. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 32, 2011.
Piret Viires, End of Irony? Estonian Literature after Postmodernism. Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 451-463.
Paavo Matsin, Taking a stroll through the shelves of the History of Estonian Thought. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 32, 2011. [about the book-series ‘Eesti Mõttelugu’ (‘History of Estonian Thought’)]
Maria-Kristiina Lotman, The Syllabic Structure of Estonian Hexameter at the End of the 19th Century – the First Half of the 20th Century. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 680-697. 
Mirjam Hinrikus, On Decadent Europe and the Intellectual Identity of Young Estonia: J. Randvere’s Ruth and Friedebert Tuglas’ Felix Ormusson. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 483-501.
Ivo Heinloo, Survival in the Stone City: Tallinn in the Literature of the 1970s and 1980s. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 520-534.
Katiliina Gielen, Forewords and Reviews: Some Notes on the Translators’ Presence in Estonian Translational Space. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 628-642.
Leena Kurvet-Käosaar, Throwing Mud in the Face or Gentle Journeys into Frames of Time? Some Notes on Post-Soviet Life-Writing in Estonia. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 535-551. 
Elle-Mari Talivee, The Beginning of Estonian City Writing – a Bird’s-Eye Overview. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 464-482.
Anneli Mihkelev, Between Traditions and Innovations: Tensions in Modernist Art at the Beginning of the 20th Century. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 1, 2011, pp 123-136.

Kaitlin Hawkins, Tallinn, Estonia: Storytelling Saves the World. – World Literature Today, vol 85, no 3, 2011, p 7.
Liina Lukas, Estonian Folklore as a Source of Baltic-German Poetry. – Journal of Baltic Studies, vol 42, no 4, 2011, pp 491–510.

Elo Lindsalu, Thinking about women’s literature. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 33, 2011.
Jüri Talvet, Estonian Poetry: The Seduction and the Toil of Thinking in Rhymes. – Forum for World Literature Studies, vol 2, no 3, 2010, pp 468-486.
Aigi Heero, Weiße Flecken in der estnischen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Timoteus Polus und der Revaler Gymnasialkreis. – Interlitteraria, vol 15, no 2, 2010, pp 457-471.
Anne Lange, Boris Baljasny, Testing the Relevance of Translations. – Interlitteraria, vol 15, no 2, 2010, pp 285-299.
Ave Mattheus, Was ist estnische Kinderliteratur? Versuch einer Neudefinition des Untersuchungsgegenstandes. – Interlitteraria, vol 15, no 2, 2010, pp 409-431.
Cornelius Hasselblatt, Cherchez la femme or How Gendered Are Estonian Literary Histories and Handbooks?. – Interlitteraria, vol 15, no 2, 2010, pp 312-332.
Eric Dickens, Translator’s comments – An International Nation. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 30, 2010. [Foreword to the anthology ‘The Dedalus Book of Estonian Literature’, edited by Jan Kaus, translated by Eric Dickens.]
Lauri Pilter, Estonian Poetry in English. – Forum for World Literature Studies, vol 2, no 3, 2010, pp 487-504. 
Rein Veidemann, History of Estonian Literature as a Kernel Structure of Estonian Culture. – Interlitteraria, vol 15, no 1, 2010, pp 75-84.
Nadezda Pchelovodova, Translations of Estonian literature into Udmurt. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 28, 2009.
Peeter Helme, Novel Competition 2008: women’s and genre literature. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 28, 2009.
Anu Saluäär, The Story of Loomingu Raamatukogu. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 30, 2010.
Jan Kaus, Upheavals in the borderland: A very short introduction to Estonian prose. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 30, 2010.
Tanel Pern, Socialist Realism as Anti-Canonical Art. – Interlitteraria, vol 15, no 2, 2010, pp 531-544.
Eneken Laanes, Unresolved Dialogues: Subjectivity and Memory in Post-Soviet Estonian Novel. Summary in English. – Lepitamatud dialoogid: subjekt ja mälu nõukogudejärgses eesti romaanis. Tallinn: Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, 2009, pp 316-323. [Summary of the monograph discussing three Estonian novels: ‘Ahasveeruse uni’ by Ene Mihkelson, ‘Piiririik’ (‘Border State’) by Emil Tode and ‘Paigallend’ (‘Treading air’) by Jaan Kross.]
Virve Sarapik, Anti-futurism of the Young Estonia Literary Movement. – Interlitteraria, vol 14, no 1, 2009, pp 143-161.
Cornelius Hasselblatt, The Postcolonial Trap – features of recent Estonian discourse patterns. – The End of Autonomy? Studies in Estonian culture. Ed by Cornelius Hasselblatt. Fenno-Ugrica Groningana, 5. Maastricht: Shaker, 2008, pp 104-110.
Anneli Mihkelev, Biblical Myths and National Identity in Contemporary Estonian and Latvian Literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 13, 2008, pp 242-248.
Krista Ojasaar, Estonian Literary Society. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 26, 2008.
Mihkel Kaevats, About Estonian Poetry, for the Finno-Ugric Writers’ Congress in Mari-El. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 27, 2008.
Peeter Helme, Younger Estonian Prose. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 27, 2008.
Rutt Hinrikus, The Journey of the White Ship. – Interlitteraria, vol 13, 2008, pp 229-241.
Tiina Kirss, Taking Sigtuna: Precolonial Time and Estonian Historical Fiction of the 1930s. – Interlitteraria, vol 13, 2008, pp 214-228.
Ave Tarrend, Gender Politics and Estonian Literature for Children and Young Adults. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 24, 2007.
Mart Velsker, Estonian literature in Southern Estonian. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 25, 2007.
Märt Väljataga, Waiting for the Great Estonian Novel. – Eurozine, Jun 30, 2007.
Rein Veidemann, About the Meaning of Estonian Literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 12, 2007, pp 63-72.
Mohit K. Ray, Foreword. – On the Way Home. An Anthology of Contemporary Estonian Poetry. Edited by H. L. Hix. Translated by H. L. Hix and Jüri Talvet. New Delhi: Saruo and Sons, 2006, pp V-VII.
Arne Merilai, The Myth of the Runo Song’s Antiquity: Mimesis and Metrics. – Regilaul – esitus ja tõlgendus. Ed by Aado Lintrop. Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivi Toimetused. Commentationes Archivi Traditionum Popularium Estoniae, vol 23. Tartu: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum, 2006, pp 261, 263.
Benedikts Kalnačs, Baltic Drama in the European Context: End of the 19th Century, Beginning of the 20th Century. – Interlitteraria, vol 11, 2006, pp 385-395. 
Jüri Talvet, 
The Reception of World Literature in Estonia. Some Preliminary Remarks. – Interlitteraria, vol 11, 2006, pp 281-293.
Katre Talviste, Looking at One’s Self — Reflecting the Other: From the Knowledge of Estonian Poetics to the Understanding of the Reception of Foreign Poetry. – Interlitteraria, vol 11, 2006, pp 323-333.
Rein Veidemann, Additions to the Comprehension of “Noor-Eesti” (“Young Estonia”) as a Receptive “Explosion” of World Literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 11, 2006, pp 294-304.
Sirje Olesk, Jeunesse oblige! The literary group and its meaning. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 23, 2006. [On the literary group Noor-Eesti.]
H. L. Hix, A Sky the Color of Cornflowers. – On the Way Home. An Anthology of Contemporary Estonian Poetry. Edited by H. L. Hix. Translated by H. L. Hix and Jüri Talvet. New Delhi: Saruo and Sons, 2006, pp 1-4.
Aare Pilv, Berk Vaher, Stealing a Window: Estonian Y-Lit. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 20, 2005.[On various young experimental writers working in 2000s]
Cornelius Hasselblatt, Dutch, Low German and High German at the cradle of Estonian literature. Some aspects of cultural interaction between the Netherlands and Estonia in the Early Modern Period. – Trade, diplomacy and cultural exchange. Continuity and change in the North Sea area and the Baltic c. 1350-1750. Ed by Hanno Brand. Groninger Hanze Studies, 1. Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2005, pp 238-244.
Janek Kraavi, Dreaming About Literature. Cultural Manifestos in Times of Transition. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 20, 2005.
Piret Viires, Mustamäe Metamorphoses. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 21, 2005. [about literary representations of district Mustamäe in Tallinn]
Priit Kruus, Future Classics – How Should Freedom Be Used? – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 20, 2005. [On various young Estonian authors writing in the first decade of new millenium]
Andrus Org, The Dimensions of the Contemporary Science Fiction Novel on the Basis of Examples from Estonian Literature. – Interlitteraria, vol 9, 2004, pp 226-236.
Editorial team Interlitteraria, Traces of the Postmodern World in the 21st-Century Estonian Novel. – Interlitteraria, vol 9, 2004, pp 130-139.
Epp Annus; Robert Hughes, Reversals of the postmodern and the late Soviet simulacrum in the Baltic countries – with exemplications from Estonian literature. – History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe. I. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamin, 2004, pp 54-65.
Krista Vogelberg, “The Outcasts’ Aristocratism” with a Twist: A Study of the Functions of Low Style in Post-Socialist Estonian Novel. – Interlitteraria, vol 9, 2004, pp 388-396.
Antoine Chalvin, A lizard’s track over a stone. Translations and translators of Estonian literature into French. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 17, 2003.
Cornelius Hasselblatt, The Fairy Tale of Socialism: How ‘Socialist’ was the ‘New’ Literature in Soviet Estonia? – The Sovietization of the Baltic States, 1940-1956. Ed by Olaf Mertelsmann. Tartu: KLEIO ajalookirjanduse sihtasutus, 2003, pp 227-236.
Rein Veidemann, Literature as the Factor of Social Coherence: Estonia’s Case. – Interlitteraria, vol 8, 2003, pp 55-67.
Anneli Mihkelev, Ethnofuturism. Bridge between national and international in Estonian poetry. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 15, 2002.
Birgitta Göranson, Ivo Illiste, Estonian Voices in the Swedish Language. – Estonian Literary Magazine, vol 14, 2002. [Short overview of Estonian literature translated to Swedish]

Hannu Oitinen, Mission Estonia. On Estonian Literature in Finnish. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 14, 2002.
Janek Kraavi, Seond wave. Young Estonian prose writers at the turn of the millennium. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 15, 2002.
Timo Maran, Kadri Tüür, On Estonian nature writing. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 13, 2001.
Barbi Pilvre, Estonian literature during the last decade. Stars and trends. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 12, 2001.
Jüri Talvet, Transgressing the Borders of the ‘Self’ in Postmodern Poetry (with Observations about Estonian Poetry). – Interlitteraria, no 6, 2001, pp 159-178.
Ene-Reet Soovik, Perspectives on the Emblems of the Nation in Contemporary Estonian and Anglo-Welsh Poetry. – Interlitteraria, vol 5, 2000, pp 375-388.
Marin Laak, Estonian literature in the 1920s and 1930s. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 11, 2000.
Raul Sulbi, Estonian sciene-fiction. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 11, 2000
Albert Lazaro Tinaut, The presence of Baltic literatures in Spain. – Estonian Literary Magazine, vol 8, 1999.
Arne Merilai, Some Time Models in Estonian Traditional, Modern and Postmodern Poetry. – Interlitteraria, no 4, 1999, pp 264-280.
Arne Merilai, Time Models and Classification of the Estonian Ballad. – Indo-European-Uralic-Siberian Linguistic and Cultural Contacts. Ed by Ago Künnap. Tartu: Tartu University Press, 1999, pp 164-175.
Mihkel Nummert, Estonian prose 1998. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 9, 1999.
Kersti Unt, Sirje Olesk, Estonian Alternative Poetry in Changing Canon. – Interlitteraria, vol 4, 1999, pp 281-290.
Hasso Krull, Estonian poetry 1998. Fashions and figures. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 9, 1999.
Andres Jaaksoo, Halfway to the Moon. Children’s literature in Estonia. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 6, 1998.
Annaliza Skrbcka, CORPVS EREMITORVM. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 6, 1998. [About the literary circle ‘Erakkond’]
Jüri Talvet, Literature as a Nation’s Emotional Memory. – Interlitteraria, vol 3, 1998, pp 122-135.
Jüri Talvet, The State of Estonian Literature following the Reestablishment of Independence. – World Literature Today, vol 72, no 2, 1998, pp 307-312.
Külli Paulus, Estonian Dramaturgy – a Moment on Stage. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 6, 1998.
Paul-Erik Rummo, Mardi Valgemäe [translator], Extraduction from Baltic Elegies. – World Literature Today, vol 72, no 2, 1998, pp 325-329. 
Tiina Kirss, Branches of the Cleft Oak: Homeland-Diaspora Literary Relations in Estonia. – World Literature Today, vol 72, no 2, 1998, pp 317-324. 
Arne Merilai, Time Models and Classification of the Estonian Ballad. – Folklore, vol 3, 1997, pp 131-146.
Hasso Krull, Estonian Literature 1990 – 1995. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 4, 1997.
Leelo Tungal, Literature for children in our changing times. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 4, 1997.
Mati Sirkel, Estonian Writer’s Union 75. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 5, 1997.

Udo Uibo, Estonian Prose 1996: Something significant. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 5, 1997.
Cornelius Hasselblatt, Estonian Writer in the German Market. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 3, 1996, p 7.
Ea Jansen, How Estonian Literary Culture Was Born. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 3, 1996.
Ingrid Velbaum-Staub, Estonian Prose, Poetry and Drama in the 1990s. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 3, 1996.
Rein Veidemann, New Estonia – New Literature? – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 2, 1996.
Rutt Hinrikus, Literary Awards and Literary Market. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 2, 1996.
Piret Viires, The Phenomenon of Ethnofuturism in Contemporary Estonian Literature. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 1, 1995.
Mati Sirkel, Estonian Literature in Times Old and New. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 1, 1995.
Krista Kaer, Translation as a Part of National Literature. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 1, 1995.
Tiina A. Kirss, Circumnavigation and Transplantation: Reflections On Estonian Literature and Revolution. – World Literature Today, vol 65, no 2, 1991, pp 216-221.
Ivar Ivask, A Home in Language and Poetry: Travel Impressions from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia, Autumn 1988. – World Literature Today, vol 63, no 3, 1989, pp 391-405.
Kristi Salve, Foreword; Conclusion. – The Piper: a selection of Estonian fairy tales. Compiled by Jüri Talvet; translated by A. Jõgi; illustrated by Jaan Tammsaar. Tallinn: Perioodika, 1987, 198 pp. [See contents of the anthology.]
Jaan Puhvel, Four Arbiters of Literature in 20th-Century Estonia: Tuglas, Semper, Oras and Aspel. – Books Abroad, vol 47, no 4, 1973, pp 636-642.
Arvo Mägi, Karl Ristikivi, Bernard Kangro, Eesti kirjandus paguluses 1944-1972. With an English summary. Lund: Eesti Kirjanike Kooperatiiv, 1973, 180 lk.

Ivar Ivask, Recent Trends in Estonian Poetry. – Books Abroad, vol 42, no 4, 1968, pp 517-520.
Ivar Ivask, Eight Estonian Poets. – Books Abroad, vol 40, no 2, 1966, pp 158-160 [Comment on Ants Oras’s compilation of Estonian poetry in German “Acht estnische Dichter” (Stockholm: Vaba Eesti, 1964)].
Ivar Ivask, The Main Tradition of Estonian Poetry. – Estonian Poetry and Language: Studies in Honor of Ants Oras. Stockholm: 1965, pp 256-298.

Ants Oras, Estonian Poetry. –  Bulletin of the New York Public Library, December 1957.
Andres Pranspill, Estonia and its writers [excerpts from an address delivered at Columbia University, with supplementary data]. – Estonian Anthology. Intimate stories of life, love, labor and war of the Estonian people. Compiled, translated and published by A. Pranspill. Translations by W. K. Matthews. Edited by Milton Millhauser. Milford [Connecticut], 1956, pp 11-22.
W. K. Matthews, Phases of Estonian poetry. – Anthology of Modern Estonian Poetry. Compiled and translated by W. K. Matthews. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1953, pp xv-xxix. [Poems by Juhan Liiv, A. Haava, H. Visnapuu, H. Adamson, M. Under, H. Talvik, B. Alver, U. Masing, J. Lõo, H. Esko, K. Ahven, R. Kolk, R. Veer, P. Krusten, K. Ristikivi, K. Lepik, I. Grünthal, E. Enno, G. Suits, K. Merilaas, J. Oks, V. Ridala, A. Adson, J. Sütiste, B. Kangro, A. Sang, A. Viirlaid.]
Oskar Loorits, I: Estonia’s Intellectual Life in the Light of Her Literature. – Books Abroad, vol 29, no 2, 1955, pp 135-140.
Edouard Roditi, Esthonian Letters Today. – Books Abroad, vol 26, no 2, 1952, pp 141-143.
E. Howard Harris, Estonian literature in exile. London: Boreas Publishing, 1949, 40 pp. [Brochure on Estonian exilic literature.]

E. Howard Harris, A Glimpse of Estonian Literature. – The Manchester Quarterly, Jul-Sept, 1933.
Andrew Pranspill, Modern Estonian Literature. – Books Abroad, vol 7, no 4, 1933, pp 406-407.