
Texts c


c: (has also used the pseudonyms Chaneldior and Chaneldyor, real name Tanel Rander, born 1 December 1980) is an artist and writer.

From 1999–2005, he studied at the Institute of Law of the University of Tartu and worked as a lawyer. In 2007, he entered the Estonian Academy of Arts and, in 2010, obtained a master’s degree in interdisciplinary arts. From 2009, he has been a freelancer. In 2017–2018, he acted in Valga – a city on the border of Estonia and Latvia – as curator, owning the gallery Brīvības in 2018. He occasionally works as an arts instructor of people with special needs.

In 2008, he published the prose book Kontrolli alt väljas (‘Out of Control’). This is a transgressive text in the first person. The protagonist of the book, yuppie Armin who has moved from Tartu to Tallinn, is suffering from an identity crisis, being unable to adapt to the new environment or return to the old. Because of mind-numbing work and abundant use of drugs, Armin loses control over himself, being entrapped by increasingly violent fantasies. He spends a great deal of his time stupefied by alcohol and other intoxicating substances, going clubbing, being engaged in occasional sexual relations and self-destructive behaviour. His pessimistic vision of the world culminates in hatred towards fellow people, particularly women. The book deals with many gloomy themes: consumption of alcohol and drugs, mental and physical violence, rapes and murders.

c: has been an active member of eksp, a grouping of experimental writers and artists in Tartu. His second book Tammeöö (‘Oak Night’) appeared in cooperation with Erkki Luuk in 2012. This experimental book is closely related to the town of Tartu and depicts the artist’s mental states during his psychogeographical wanderings in Tartu.

c:’s shorter prose texts have been published in the collections Mitte-Tartu (‘Non-Tartu’) and Olematute raamatute antoloogia (‘Anthology of Non-existent Books’).

c: continues to work on border cities, participating in the project “Transbordering Laboratory” and focusing on the cities Tornio/Haparanda (in Finland and Sweden), Esztergom/Sturovo (in Hungary and Slovakia).

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Chaneldior, Kontrolli alt väljas. Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2008, 88 lk.
Erkki Luuk & c:, Tammeöö. Tartu: E. Luuk, 2012, 82 lk.