Karl August Hermann

PoemsKarl August Hermann

Karl August Hermann (23./11. IX 1851 – 11. I 1909 / 29. XII 1908) was an Estonian writer, publicist, composer and linguist. He was born the son of a blacksmith at Otsa farm, Võhma village, Põltsamaa parish.
He studied in Anikvere village school, from 1864–1868 at Põltsamaa parish school and German elementary school. He worked as a teacher’s aid in Põltsamaa and from 1871–1874 as a teacher in St Petersburg. In 1875, he entered the Faculty of Theology of the University of Tartu. In 1878, he transferred to Leipzig University to study linguistics and in 1880, defended his PhD thesis Der einfache Wortstamm und die drei Lautstufen in der estnischen Sprache on the vowel length of Estonian word stems.
He worked as an editor of Eesti Postimees from 1882–1885 in Tartu. In 1886, he acquired Perno Postimees and started publishing it under the name Postimees in Tartu. In 1891, the paper became the first daily Estonian newspaper to which the writer Eduard Vilde also contributed. In 1896, he resigned from Postimees and Jaan Tõnisson became the new editor in chief. From 1885–1897, he published the music monthly Laulu ja mängu leht and edited the magazine Rahva Lõbu-leht from 1898–1899. In 1906, he acquired the newspaper Valgus, which he renamed Hüüdja and published until 1907. Hermann belonged to several national societies, including the Alexander School Committee and from 1890–1891, chaired the Society of Estonian Men of Letters (Eesti Kirjameeste Selts).
From 1889, Hermann worked as a lecturer of the Estonian Language at the University of Tartu. He published Eesti keele grammatika (‘Estonian Grammar’, 1884), Eesti keele Lause-õpetus (‘Estonian Syntax’, 1896), a violin textbook (1893), a sheet music guide (1898), compiled an Estonian-Russian dictionary and a textbook on Russian, had an interest in the word etymology and historical connections of Finno-Ugric and other peoples. He published the work Sumeri-akkadlased (‘The Akkadians of Sumer’, 1896) where he hypothesized about the relations between the Estonians and ancient Sumerians, and a short overview of contemporary history in Suur Saksa-Prantsuse sõda 1870 ja 1871 (’The Great Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and 1871’, 1873). He began compiling the encyclopaedia Eesti Üleüldise teaduse raamat ehk encyklopädia konversationi-lexikon (’Comprehensive Book of Estonian Science or encyklopädia konversationi-lexikon’), of which only the first volume was published in full (1900–1904, 1906). He also compiled Eesti kirjanduse ajalugu esimesest algusest meie ajani (‘The History of Estonian Literature from Start to Contemporary Times’, 1898), which despite being rudimental, proved a valuable dataset.
Hermann has composed approximately 300 choral songs (or according to some sources, even a thousand), several of which became very popular, for example Isamaa mälestus (‘Reminiscence of fatherland’), Oh laula ja hõiska (‘O sing and shout’), Teretus (‘Greeting’), Kevade marss (‘Spring march’), Kungla rahvas (‘Kungla people’, lyrics by F. Kuhlbars), Mingem üles mägedele (’Let’s go up to the mountains’; M. Veske), Munamäel (‘On the Munamägi’; J. Kunder). He created both solo pieces and melodies for piano and violin. He composed Estonia’s first attempt at opera, the pseudo-mythological singspiel Uku ja Vanemuine ehk Eesti jumalad ja rahvad (‘Uku and Vanemuine or Estonian Gods and People’, 1907, premiered 1908, arranged by A. Wirkhaus) that was very poorly received. He published choral literature, collected and arranged folk melodies and led the Song Festival.
Hermann translated and adapted plays (tragedy ‘Accepting Death’ by Theodor Körner; comedy ‘In the City and Country’ by August Wilhelm Iffland); but his original work Oksjon! (‘Auction!’, 1874) was not a hit. His stories were mostly published in Eesti rahva Kasuline Kalender (1875–1882) that he edited and in K. A. Hermanni Kasuline Rahvakalender (1887–1903, 1907), some stories were also published in collections. His stories are simple, drawing their inspiration from village life. One of the most famous ones is the romantic Auulane ja Ülo (‘Auulane and Ülo’, 1887) set in old Estonia. He mainly wrote verse for choral songs and for this, also translated from Russian, German, Finnish, Swedish, Hungarian, Italian, French, English etc. K. A. Hermann’i Salmikud (‘K. A. Hermann’s poems’) were published in two editions (1881, 1892). His style is post-romantically emotional, general and merry.
Hermann passed away in Tartu and is buried in Tartu Raadi Cemetery. His memory is celebrated by monuments on his grave (by V. Mellik), in Põltsamaa (A. Leius); a memorial stone is in Võhma Village and a memorial plaque in Tartu, Veski Street. Streets have been named after him in Tartu, Põltsamaa and Tallinn.

A. M. (Translated by A. S.)

Selected bibliography

Mida warem, seda parem. Lastele armsaks ajawiiteks soowinud K.A. Hermann. Tartu: H. Laakmann, 1880, 16 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:100991.]
Sina pead oma isa ja ema auustama, et sinu käsi hästi käib ja sina kaua elad maa pääl. Lastele armsaks ajaviiteks soovinud K. A. Hermann. Tartu: H. Laakmann, 1880, 16 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:100992.]
K.A. Hermann’i Salmikud. 1.-2. kimbukene. Tartu: Schnakenburg, 1881-1892, 66 lk; 186+6 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:100752, http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:100753.]

Short stories
Imelikud juhtumised: Õpetlikud jutud. Kirjapannud [tõlkinud] K.A. Hermann. Tartu: [s.n.], 1871, 114 lk. [Sisu: ‘Üle sõrva’, ‘Mäda-soos’, ‘Liva kõrb’, ‘Vana kaljukitse-kütt’.]
Loe!. Õpetlikud loud ja jutud. Kirjutanud K. A. Hermann. Tartu: [s.n.], 1876, 200 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.etera.ee/s/X1iJ8xb2xc.]
Mida warem, seda parem. Lastele armsaks ajawiiteks soowinud K.A. Hermann. Tartu: H. Laakmann, 1880, 16 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:100991.]
Sina pead oma isa ja ema auustama, et sinu käsi hästi käib ja sina kaua elad maa pääl. Lastele armsaks ajaviiteks soovinud K. A. Hermann. Tartu: H. Laakmann, 1880, 16 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:100992.]
Auulane ja Ülo: Jutt Eesti muistsest ajast. Jutustanud K. A. Hermann. Tartu: K. A. Hermann, 1887, 32 lk.
Lapse mälestus ja teised algupäralised jutud. Jurjev: [s.n.], 1896, 68 lk.
Rikka ja waese pulmad: Külajutukene Eesti rahwa elust. Kirjutanud Dr. K. A. Hermann. Jurjev: Hermann, 1898, 48 lk.
Kullerkupukene: wäike mälestus õrnast lapsepõlwest. Tartus: Hermann, 1914, 21 lk.

Plays, librettos
Oksjon!: Lugu waese rahwa elust: Näitemäng ühes järgus. Luulenud K. A. Hermann. Tartu: H. Laakmann, 1874, 40 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.etera.ee/s/XOq4bVaF9F.]
Eesti esimesi tragöödiaid. Koostanud Külli Laugaste. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 1997, 213 lk. [Sisaldab K. A. Hermanni näidendeid ‘Leppimine surmas ehk kurb lugu kahe venna vahel’ ja ‘Oksjon!: Lugu vaese rahva elust’.]
“Uku ja Wanemuine” ehk Eesti jumalad ja rahwas: Lauleldus (oper) neljas waatuses: [sõnade osa] Loonud ja kokku seadnud Dr. K. A. Hermann. Tartu: M. Hermann, 1908, 30 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:14502.]

Suur Saksa-Prantsuse sõda aastal 1870 ja 1871. Eestirahwale kirjapannud K. A. Hermann. Tartu: H. Laakmann, 1873, 124 lk. [Kättesaadav: http://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/nlib-digar:101526.]

Eesti-rahwa Kasuline Kalender, 1875-1882. Tartu: H. Laakmann, 1874-1881.
Uus Eesti rahwa Kasuline Kalender, 1883-1886. Tartu: W. Just, 1882-1885.
K. A. Hermann’i Kasuline Rahwa-Kalender, 1887-1901. Tartu: K. A. Hermann, 1886-1900.
K. A. Hermann’i Kasuline Kalender, 1902-1907. Jurjev: Hermann, 1901-1906.