Riina Dmohovski

Riina Dmohovski (until 1951 Peterhoff, pseudonym Peeter R. Hoff, 28 April 1931 – 27 September 2009) was a prose writer and poet.

Dmohovski was born in Tartu. Her father was a medical scientist. In 1944, Dmohovski and her parents left Estonia for occupied Poland where she attended a German-language school in Jastrow. In 1946, she returned to Estonia. Dmohovski studied at Tartu Secondary School No. 2 and at Tartu State University from which she graduated in 1956 specialising in pharmacy. She worked at hospitals and, from 1971, as a laboratory assistant at Tartu Polyclinic.

Riina Dmohovski made her debut in 1940 in the children’s magazine Pioneer. She has published poetry (issue 12, 1963, of the journal Looming) and short prose (the story See ebatäiuslik maailm – ‘This Imperfect World’ – published in issue 10, 1969, of the journal Looming received the second prize at a short-story competition). She has also written radio plays (Ärklituba – ‘Attic Room’ -, and Kõige parem kingitus – ‘The Best Gift’).

She published two novels under the pseudonym Peeter R. Hoff which was derived from her maiden name. The first, Daamide valik (‘Ladies’ Choice’), appeared in 1994. It is written in a realist manner.  The author watches the protagonists’ emotional states. The second novel, Kaarna tüdrukud (‘Kaarna Girls’, 2001) is also realistic, with precise descriptions of the milieu.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Peeter R. Hoff, Daamide valik. Tallinn: Kupar, 1994. 135 lk.
Peeter R. Hoff, Kaarna tüdrukud. Tartu: Vanemuise Seltsi Kirjastus, 2001. 104 lk.