Aidi Vallik

Short stories and novellas Aidi Vallik

About Aidi Vallik

Aidi Vallik (11. V 1971) is an Estonian writer and screenwriter who is mostly known as a children’s and young adult prose author but has also published poetry collections for both children and adults.

Vallik was born in Palivere borough, Lääne county. From 1978-1979, she studied at Palivere primary school, from 1979-1986 at Taebla Secondary School, from 1986-1988 at Tartu Art School and from 1990-1991 at Haapsalu night school. In 1996, she graduated the University of Tartu with a degree in Estonian Philology. She worked as an artist and designer and librarian in Haapsalu and from 1996-2004, she was a teacher at Haapsalu Wiedemann Gymnasium. From 2004, she has been a freelance writer and founded the non-profit organization Lugu-Loo to publish her books. She is active in discussions on education in Estonia and a welcome speaker in schools. She has received several children and young adult literature awards.

Her first poems were published in magazines in 1989. Under the pseudonym ATS, she published her first three poetry collections: Ärge pange tähele (‘Pay No Attention’, 1990), Videvikus lepatriinulend (‘The Twilight Flight of the Ladybird’, 1996) and Mina ja Käthe Kollowitz (‘Käthe Kollowitz and Me’, 2000). Her early free-form poetry is full of youthful defiance, world-weariness, self-searching and self-discovery. Her last poetry collection for adults, Ristsõna (‘The Crossword’, 2001) was published under the author’s own name.

Her first young adult novel Kuidas elad, Ann? (‘How Are You, Ann?’, 2001) was received well by readers and critics alike and won first place at a young adult literature competition. The novel is compulsory reading at schools and included in school literature textbooks. It has been translated to Finnish, Latvian and Lithuanian. The other two novels of the Ann trilogy are Mis teha, Ann? (‘What to Do, Ann?’) and Mis sinuga juhtus, Ann? (‘What Happened to You, Ann?’, 2007). The novels, which contain several storylines and viewpoints, offer a realistic exploration of the problems of teenagers: their relationships with peers and parents, first contact with alcohol and drugs, complex self-searching and issues at school. The third part of the trilogy was turned into a screenplay in collaboration with Peeter Sauter and called Kuhu põgenevad hinged (‘Where Souls Go’, 2007, directed by Rainer Sarnet).

For younger readers, Vallik has written both adventurous fantasy stories – for example Koletise lugu (‘Story of a Monster’, 2005) and Narkohollo ehk Florose vabastamine (‘Narkohollo or Liberating Floros’, 2006) – and realistic animal stories like Pints ja Tutsik (‘Pints and Tutsik’, I 2008, II 2009). Even when dealing with serious social problems such as bullying, the lure of drugs, overworking parents and loneliness, the author remains optimistic and humorous. The story Roosi ja emme (‘Roosi and Mommy’, 2013) and the picture books with little text Minu jalad (‘My Feet’, 2010), Lumehelbe töö (‘Work of a Snowflake’, 2014) and Parimad palad (‘Best Bits’, 2015) were written for smaller children. Her warm and funny children’s story Unekoer (‘Sleep Dog’, 2006) paints a picture of a small animal whose favorite thing is sleeping in people’s beds.

Vallik has also written playful and cheerful children’s poetry which stands out due to its diverse form and wide range of topics. She has published three poetry collections: Tirtsti ja turtsti (2007), Mina, kana, lehm ja kratt (‘Me, the Chicken, the Cow and the Kratt’, 2010), Imelised inimesed (‘Wonderful People’, 2016). Her poems depict the regular yet diverse and wondrous world of children and adults. Her simple and playful verses combine fantasy, the absurd and wordplay. The verse-form story Mannikese lugu (‘Story of Mannike’, 2010) that received the Estonian Children’s Literature Center’s Raisin of the Year Award for the most unique and surprising children’s book tells a playful and love-filled story of a little girl lost in the woods and her escape. Vallik has also received the K. E. Sööt children’s poetry award twice.

The educational book Laste oma Eesti (‘Children’s Own Estonia’, 2015) offers a playful overview of Estonian history and geography and explores the nature of Estonians. Vallik has also worked as an editor, compiled literature textbooks, written radio shows, children’s plays and television scripts, in addition to publishing several topical opinion articles. The play Kõik normaalsed inimesed (‘All the Normal People’, 2017, written with Piret Jaaks and directed by Tamur Tohver), staged by Polygon theater, received critical acclaim.

A. O. (Translated by A. S.)

Books in Estonian

Stories for young adults
Kuidas elad, Ann?. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2001, 175 lk. [Järgnevad trükid: ‘Kuidas elad, Ann? Mis teha, Ann?’, Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2003, 310 lk; Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2008, 201 lk; Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2018, 199 lk.]
Mis teha, Ann?. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2002, 133 lk. [Järgnevad trükid: ‘Kuidas elad, Ann? Mis teha, Ann?’, Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2003, 310 lk; Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2008, 154 lk; Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2018, 143 lk.]
Mis sinuga juhtus, Ann?. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2007, 246 lk.

Stories for children
Koletise lugu. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2005, 39 lk.
Narkohollo ehk Florose vabastamine. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2006, 159 lk.
Unekoer. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2006, 47 lk.
Pints ja Tutsik. I osa. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2008, 110 lk; II osa. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2009, 118 lk.
Ilmaveski terakesed. Tartu: Tartu Erahariduse Edendamise Selts, 2010, 23 lk.
Minu jalad. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2010, 36 lk.
Roosi ja Emme. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2013, 45 lk.
Lumehelbe töö. Tallinn: Päike ja Pilv, 2014, 26 lk.
Paremad palad. Tallinn: Päike ja Pilv, 2015, 27 lk.
Minu käed. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2018, 45 lk.
Minna ja hernetont. Tallinn: Päike ja Pilv, 2018, 26 lk.
Seebu maailm. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2019, 48 lk.

Poetry for children
Tirtsti ja Turtsti. Tallinn TEA Kirjastus, 2007, 59 lk.
Mannikese lugu. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2010, 23 lk.
Mina, kana, lehm ja kratt. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2010, 83 lk.
Imelised inimesed. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2016, 51 lk.
Kust said? Luulelood loomadest. Tallinn: Lugu-Loo, 2018, 55 lk.

Poetry for adults
ATS, Ärge pange tähele. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1990, 56 lk.
ATS, Videvikus lepatriinumäng. Haapsalu: Kuus, 1996, 58 lk.
ATS, Mina ja Käthe Kollowitz. Tallinn: K.Kuus, 2000, 73 lk.
Ristsõna. Tallinn: Tuum, 2001, 78 lk.

Pintsu ja Tutsiku lugemik. Kirjandusõpik 5. klassile. I osa. Tallinn: Maurus, 2018, 128 lk; II osa. Tallinn: Maurus. 2019, 240 lk.

Educational book
Laste oma Eesti. Tallinn: Päike ja Pilv, 2015, 71 lk.

Bürgermeister tuleb Brüsselist. (2005, lav Aivo Paljasmaa, Randlane, vabaõhujant.)
Kuidas elad… Ann?!. (2006, lav Sven Heiberg, Rakvere Teater, noortenäidend.)
Kuri tädi. (2009, lav Iloni Imedemaa, lastenäidend.)
Mida juhtub mängumaal. (2009, lav Iloni Imedemaa, lastenäidend.)
Tulnukatüng. (2009, lav Iloni Imedemaa, lastenäidend.)
Loomade keel. (2009, lav Iloni Imedemaa, lastenäidend.)
Jäljed promenaadil. (2010, lav Aivo Paljasmaa, Kojateater ja Randlane, vabaõhunäidend.)
Kinni läete teie!. (2010, lav Kai Tarmula, Haapsalu Gümnaasium, noortemuusikal.)
Notsu jõulud. (2013, lav Aivo Paljasmaa, Kojateater 2013, lastenäidend.)
Kalevipoeg ehk Kuninga kroonikad. (2016, lav Jaan Willem Sibul, Lutsu Teater, näidend.)
Kõik normaalsed inimesed. (2017, kaasautor Piret Jaaks, lav Tamur Tohver, Polygon Teater, näidend.)
Päikese kodu. (2017, lav Jaan Willem Sibul, Pokumaa, lastenäidend.)