Kaie Ilves

Kaie Ilves (born 14 October 1966) is a writer and journalist.

Ilves was born in Läänemaa County, completed Lihula Secondary School and studied Estonian language and literature at Tallinn University. She has worked as a teacher and a journalist. Ilves works as a journalist for the newspaper Lääne Elu, which is published in Haapsalu.

Kaie Ilves made her debut with poems in the magazine Noorus in March 1986. She has published nine books for children. Ilves’ first book for children, Tädi, Motja ja teised (‘Aunt, Motja and Others’) appeared in 2012. In the following year, Kaie Ilves published three children’s books. The characters of several books are cats or other animals. The stories have been written so that adult readers could also feel the joy or recognition.

Ilves has published two poetry collections. The poetry collection Eikeegi (‘Nobody, 2017) is a free-verse recording of a lost (childhood) world. The second poetry collection Klaasipuhuja (‘Glass Blower’) appeared in 2019. In the second poetry collection, the author also wanders in memories, but the mood of the book is brighter and more playful.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Children’s books
Tädi, Motja ja teised. Habaja: Kentaur, 2012. 145 lk.
Sünnipäev. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 2013. 190 lk.
Tädi ja Motja teistmoodi suvi. Habaja: Kentaur, 2013. 128 lk.
Vanaisa maja. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 2013. 175 lk.
Tädi, Motja ja Nipsik. Habaja: Kentaur, 2014. 187 lk.
Vigur kellassepp. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 2015. 111 lk.
Preili Pöörane ja teised kassid. Tallinn: Päike ja Pilv, 2016. 63 lk.
Väike roostikukaru. Tallinn: Rahva Raamat, 2019. 31 lk.
Iseäralik konnapoeg. Tallinn: Rahva Raamat, 2021. 32 lk.

Eikeegi. Tartu: Ilmamaa, 2017. 71 lk.
Klaasipuhuja. Haapsalu: K. Ilves-Hion, 2019. 92 lk.