Johannes Aavik – about


Mirjam Hinrikus, J. Randvere’s “Ruth” (1909) as an Example of Literary Decadence and the Quintessence of Young Estonia’s (1905–1915) Modern Ideology. – Interlitteraria, vol 20, no 2, 2015, pp 199-214.
Mirjam Hinrikus, On Decadent Europe and the Intellectual Identity of Young Estonia: J. Randvere’s Ruth and Friedebert Tuglas’ Felix Ormusson. – Interlitteraria, vol 16, no 2, 2011, pp 483-501.
Mirjam Hinrikus, Spleen the Estonian Way: Estonian Literary Decadence in J. Randvere’s Ruth (1909), Friedebert Tuglas’ Felix Ormusson (1915), and Anton Hansen Tammsaar. – Interlitteraria, vol 11, 2006, pp 305-321.