Martin Vabat

Martin Vabat (real name Martin Ellermaa, born 2 April 1981) is a poet.

Vabat was born in Rapla. He completed his BA studies of history at the University of Tartu cum laude in 2005. He is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2014.

He made his debut with poems in the journal Värske Rõhk and, in 2006, published his first collection Mina olengi kirjandusklassik (‘I’m a Classical Author Indeed’). In his first collection, Vabat is rebellious; the book expresses haughtiness towards nearly everyone. In the poetry collection Naerutaltsutaja (‘Tamer of Laughter’, 2009), free-verse punk poetry has been replaced with more moderate intellectual verses. His third poetry collection Hargumine (‘Branching’) appeared five years later. Like in the second collection, the central place belongs to social criticism and religiosity.

The fourth poetry collection Maahingamispäev (‘Earth Breathing Day’, 2016) testifies to changes in his poetry. Anger and frenzy have disappeared. Although the religious dimension appeared in Vabat’s poetry earlier too, in Maahingamispäev it has become purer, more personal and also weightier. The texts of the collection form a tightly interwoven organic whole where each text is in dialogue with the others and inseparable from the composition. The author has remained true to free verse but also writes prose poetry. Connection with his roots, rusticity, honouring of ancestors and spiritual leaders have become significant for him. The fifth poetry collection Lootuse akende vaikus (‘Silence in the Windows of Hope’, 2017) continues the purified manner of the previous collection.

Vabat’s poems have been published in the journals Värske Rõhk and Looming.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Mina olengi kirjandusklassik. Toimetaja Auri Jürna. Tartu: Eesti Kirjanduse Selts, 2006, 50 lk. [Sari ‘Värske Raamat’, nr 2.]
Naerutaltsutaja. Lelle: Allikaäärne, 2009, 63 lk.
Hargumine. Toimetajad Ly Seppel-Ehin ja Mathura; autori joonistused. Lelle: Allikaäärne, 2014, 82 lk.
Maahingamispäev. Toimetanud Maarja Pärtna. Tartu: Elusamus, 2016, 39 lk. 
Lootuse akende vaikus. Tallinn: EKSA, 2017, 71 lk.