Märt Sepper

Märt Sepper

Märt Sepper (born 12 September 1991) is a poet.

Sepper was born at Kohila. He completed Tallinn Old Town School for Adults and studied for three years at the University of Tartu. He lives in Tartu and is engaged in entrepreneurship. Märt Sepper has been a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2020.

Märt Sepper made his debut in 2018 with the book containing texts resembling prose poems, Carl Robert Jakobsonist. Vaimulood (‘About Carl Robert Jakobson. Stories about Spirits’). His free-verse poetry is mythical and mystical. The author is interested in interpreting and understanding the world, creation and love. The writer’s ideas move sometimes somewhere behind his consciousness. His style might be called intellectual and self-ironical expressionism.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Carl Robert Jakobsonist. Vaimulood. Metsakasti: Paljasjalg, 2018. 27 lk.
Acheroni õied. Tartu: J. Sarapu, 2020. 54 lk.
Emanatio. Tartu: Janar Sarapu, 2020. 54 lk.
Kuld. Ring. Ürask. Tartu: Udutaja, 2021. 131 lk.
Neoonlambaid karjatades. Tartu: Udutaja, 2022. 65 lk.