Mehis Heinsaar – about


Martin Carayol, La formation du canon de la nouvelle en Finlande et en Estonie. Paris: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, 2013.


Janek Kraavi, Second wave. Young Estonian prose writers at the turn of the millennium. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 15, 2002. [About Mehis Heinsaar, Urmas Vadi, Berk Vaher, Jan Kaus, Mihkel Samarüütel, Matt Barker.]

Anneli Mihkelev, The Grotesque and Estonian Literature. – Forum for World Literature Studies, vol 4, no 3, 2012, pp 370-388.
Anneli Mihkelev, The Grotesque and Memory in Contemporary Estonian Culture. – Laurynas Katkus (ed), Grotesque Revisited: Grotesque and Satyre in the Post/Modern Literature of Central and Eastern Europe. Newcastle (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp 174-184. [With a focus on Ilmar Laaban, Andrus Kivirähk, Ervin Õunapuu and Mehis Heinsaar.]


Janika Kronberg, Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 13, 2001. [About the short story collection ‘Vanameeste näppaja’ (‘Snatcher of Old Men’).]

Rutt Hinrikus, Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 15, 2002. [About the story collection ‘Härra Pauli kroonikad’ (‘The Chronicles of Mr. Paul’).]
Janika Kronberg, Snatcher of Old Men. – Review of Contemporary Fiction, vol 23, no 2, 2003, pp 130-131. [About the short story collection ‘Vanameeste näppaja’ (‘Snatcher of Old Men’).]
Paul Binding, Do you think I’d let you go?. – Times Literary Supplement, Dec 2, 2011. [About the the prose anthology ‘The Dedalus Book of Estonian Literature’ containing the short story ‘Aspendal the Rainmaker’.]

Gaborják Ádám, A csönd erejének megnyilvánulásai. Pluralica, no 1-2, 2009, pp 404-406. [About the short story collection ‘Härra Pauli kroonikad’. See contents of the special issue of contemporary Estonian literature.]
Epp Ollino, Kávéscsésze a világűrben. Pluralica, no 1-2, 2009, pp 399-401. [About the short story collection ‘Rändaja õnn’. See contents of the special issue of contemporary Estonian literature.]

Юлия Подлубнова, Великая, всемогущая, непредсказуемая, абсурдная. Рец. на книгу: Мехис Хейнсаар «Волшебный и грозный мир природы». – Новые oблака, no 3-4 (65-66), 2013.


Piret Põldver, A Tightrope-walker inspired by the abyss. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 46, 2018, p 33-38
Mehis Heinsaar, Sven Vabar, The long-distance runner Heinsaar and his ninety nine madmen. – Estonian Literary Magazine, no 15, 2002. 

Mehis Heinsaar par G.- O. Châteaureynaud. – Brèves, no 103, 2014.

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