Veronika Kivisilla

Poems Veronika Kivisilla

About Veronika Kivisilla


Veronika Kivisilla (née Savi; 21 XII 1978) is a poet and musician.

Kivisilla was born and acquired secondary education in Tallinn. She studied Estonian philology at Tallinn Pedagogical University. She is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2012.

Kallis kalender (‘Dear Calendar’), the first poetry collection of Kivisilla, who was earlier known mainly as a musician, appeared in 2011. A year later, it was followed by Veronica officinalis which is centred on characteristic features of Kivisilla – poetics of everyday life and meaningfulness of small and practical affairs. Trips by bus and train, walks and shopping, (accidental) meetings with different people, nature with flora and fauna and the city form the space in touch with which Kivisilla’s catch-the-moment world tempered with warm compassion is born. Poems telling a story are characteristic of this collection. Among other things, the Latin titles of the collections Cantus Firmus (2015) and Salutatio! (2019) hint at medieval music.

Setting of a casual, accidentally heard excerpt from a sentence or an event into meaningful light is also characteristic of the prose collection Kuni armastus peale tuleb (‘Until You Fall in Love’, 2018) and its updated variant Kuni armastus peale tuleb 2.0 (‘Until You Fall in Love 2.0’, 2020). Initial social media postings collected into a book offer a view of everyday life where its special sides are found. Child’s sincere and open glance and view of the world occupy an essential place here. Nature, town and time are intersected.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)


Books in Estonian

Poetry collections
Kallis kalender. Luuletusi 2009-2010. Luige: Verb, 2011, 68 lk.
Veronica officinalis: kirjutatud Ärapääskülas, Valgesoos, elektrirongis ning nr 10 ja 18 bussis. Luige: Verb, 2012, 87 lk.
Cantus Firmus. Tallinn: Näo Kirik, 2015, 108 lk.
Salutatio!. Luige: Verb, 2019, 54 lk.

Short prose
Kuni armastus peale tuleb. Tallinn: Hunt, 2018, 221 lk.
Kuni armastus peale tuleb 2.0. Tallinn: Hunt, 2020, 239 lk.

Raeapteegi taimelood. Tallinn: Revali Raeapteegi Muuseumi Ühing, 2019, 79 lk.