Andres Pranspill – poems

In compilations, anthologies, magazines

Estonian Anthology. Intimate stories of life, love, labor and war of the Estonian people. Compiled, translated and published by A. Pranspill. Translations by W. K. Matthews. Edited by Milton Millhauser. Milford [Connecticut], 1956, 320 pp. [Contents: F. R. Faehlmann; M. J. Eisen; F. R. Kreutzwald ’An introduction to Kalevipoeg’; Juhan Liiv ’Men on lake Peipsi’; H. Maelo ’Fatherless’; A. Kitzberg ’Duke of Abia’, ’At Puve farm’; A. H. Tammsaare ’Truth and justice’ [excerpt], ’Spry Kaarel and his young wife’; A. Mälk ’My blind friend’, ’At the sea side’, ’Conversation with a child’; A. Pranspill ’My first conflict with civilization’, ’Manorial bath house’; H. Raudsepp ’Long live revolution’, ’Your country needs you’ (excerpts from ’In the Parlor and in Jail’); E. Vilde ’My coachman’, ’Tailor’s tricks’, ’Factotum’; A. Haava ’Master carpenter’; E. Laidsaar ’Free love marriage’; H. Raudsepp ’Lazybones’ (excerpt from ’Vedelvorst’); A. Gailit ’A trip to India’; A. Kivikas ’The Chinaman’, ’Innocent’, ’The Latvian’, ’The worker’s tribunal’; Anonymous ’The dictatorship of the proletariat’; F. Tuglas ’Shadow man’. Poems by M. Under, J. W. Jannsen, V. Ridala, G. Suits, L. Koidula, A. Haava, F. R. Kreutzwald, M. Veske, H. Visnapuu, A. Pranspill. Added collection of folklore songs, proverbs, riddles, fairy tales, an excerpt from the Treaty of Peace between Russia and Estonia, 1920.]