Tartu Conference on East European and Eurasian Studies

Second Annual Tartu conference

The Second Annual Tartu Conference under the theme “The Russian Revolution and Its Legacies: Taking Stock a Century Later” took place on 4-6 June 2017 and brought together close to 200 participants across the world.

Key speakers included:

Ronald Grigor Suny, University of Michigan
Madina Tlostanova, University of Linköping
Mark Kramer, Harvard University
Richard Sakwa, University of Kent, UK
Lauri Mälksoo, University of Tartu

EU logoThe conference was funded from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691818 “Building Research Excellence in Russian and East European Studies at the Universities of Tartu, Uppsala and Kent”.

Conference Videos

Second Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies


Keynote Address by Prof Ronald Grigor Suny

Susanne Szkola (BSIS, Kent) at the Second Annual Tartu Conference

Elias Götz (IRES, Uppsala) at the Second Annual Tartu Conference

Leonardo Pataccini (Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, Tartu) at the Second Annual Tartu Conference