Tartu Conference on East European and Eurasian Studies
General information
Please be mindful of the time constraints and the fair allocation of time to all as you plan your talk and your session. Conference panels are one hour and forty-five minutes in length and generally consist of:
- a chair, allotted a total of 5 minutes for panel and presenter introductions;
- 3–5 panelists, allotted 10–15 minutes each;
- a discussant, allotted 10 minutes;
- followed by 30 minutes for questions and discussion.
The chair of the respective session should specify the times allocated to each speaker for presentation and is responsible for managing the time. As a curtesy to the other panellists and audience members, presenters who exceed their allotted time will be asked by the chair to stop their presentation.
Application process
The basic assumption is that scholars go to conferences to present their research and get feedback from their colleagues. If your paper is part of an organised panel, ask your panel organiser about any specific instructions they might have. Alternatively, think about how to frame your paper in a way that presents your argument in a fully developed yet concise form. In terms of length, it probably means at least 3,000 words, preferably close to 5,000, but no more than 10,000, since long papers are undue burden for the discussant.
Registration and fees
The only exception to this pertains to Ukrainian scholars: for scholars affiliated with Ukrainian institutions, participation fee of the 2024 Conference will be waived.
Managing your submission
Travel and accommodation
Should you have any questions regarding academic or organisational issues, please contact the organisers at info@tartuconference.ut.ee.