
Home page

Welcome to the Livonian language textbook website!

On this platform, we have gathered the audiovisual material and web links mentioned in chapters 1-8 of the textbook but have also added other relevant material. We will update the website on an ongoing basis.

Authors of the Estonian textbook and website Miina Norvik ja Tuuli Tuisk

Translator and editor of the English website Uldis Balodis

NB! Since the online textbook recently moved to a new platform and we are in the process of organizing it and translating it into English, the layout of pages and texts may be a little uneven at the moment.

Liivi õpiku esikaas

The Estonian textbook PDF is available here

Citing Livonian language textbook and website
  • Norvik, Miina & Tuisk, Tuuli. 2023. Līvõ kīel optõbrōntõz. Liivi keele õpik. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
  • Norvik, Miina & Tuisk, Tuuli. 2024. Livonian language textbook website. ( (date of use here).
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