Jane Klavan




2023. Klavan, Jane, Katri Kütt, Airi Niilo. Õppekava arendus kui LEGO maja ehitamine – programmijuhi vaade TÜ inglise keele ja kirjanduse õppekava (BA) arendusprotsessile. (19/01/2023, TÜ õppejõudude konverents “Määramatuse ilu õpetamises”, Tartu).


2021. Klavan, Jane. Comprehending and producing morphosyntactic alternations. (paper presented at 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG11), University of Antwerp, 18-20 August 2021).

2021. Klavan, Jane & Sandra-Leele Toom. The use of phrasal verbs by Estonian-speaking EFL learners. (paper presented at the ICAME-42 conference “Crossing Boundaries Through Corpora”, TU Dortmund University, August 18-21, 2021). Recorded presentation is available here.

2021. Klavan, Jane. A multifactorial learner corpus study of the genitive alternation in Estonian EFL learners. (paper presented at online conference ISLE 6, the University of Eastern Finland, 2-5 June 2021).


2020. Klavan, Jane & Ole Schützler. A Probabilistic Grammar approach to morphosyntactic alternations: Exterior locative constructions in Estonian. (paper presented at Virtual UK-CLC 2020, Birmingham University, UK, 28 July 2020)

2020. Klavan, Jane, Kärt Roomäe & Denys Savchenko. A corpus study of intensifiers in Estonian learners’ spoken English. (paper presented at the ICAME-41 Digital conference “Language and Linguistics in a Complex World: Data, Interdisciplinarity, Transfer, and the Next Generation “, Heidelberg, May 20–23, 2020). Recorded presentation is available here.


2019. Klavan, Jane. Korpuspõhiste ja katseliste meetodite kombineerimine keeleteaduses (Combining corpus-based and experimental methods in linguistics; invited talk presented at the KFSDK doctoral school seminar “Language and Technology”, EKI sügiskool, Taagepera, 12 September 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane. Linguistic representations of constructional alternations: A case study from Estonian. (paper presented at ICLC-15, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, 9 August 2019)

2019. Tragel, Ilona & Jane Klavan. Draw free, think aloud: The image schematic representation of Estonian abstract verbs. (paper presented at ICLC-15, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, 6 August 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane. The genitive alternation in EFL: A forced choice task with Estonian learners of English as a Foreign Language. (paper presented at the ICAME-40 conference “Language in Time, Time in Language”, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, June 1–5, 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane, Alice Blumenthal-Dramé, Ann Veismann. Predicting native speaker choice: the role of frequency in morpho-syntactic alternations. (paper presented at the 7th conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, Aarhus University, Denmark, 23 May 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane, Dagmar Divjak & Petar Milin. Tracking choice: An eye movement study of the dative alternation in English. (paper presented at the 7th conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, Aarhus University, Denmark, 24 May 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane, Arvi Tavast & Tanel Alumäe. Poolspontaanse kõne morfosüntaksi uurimine automaatse transkriptsiooni põhjal ja võrdlus kirjaliku keelega. (paper presented at the conference “18. rakenduslingvistika kevadkonverents” in Tallinn, Estonia, 25 April 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane & Ann Veismann. Sageduse roll eesti keele morfosüntaktiliste alternatsioonide vastuvõetavuse hindamisel. (paper presented at the conference “18. rakenduslingvistika kevadkonverents” in Tallinn, Estonia, 25 April 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane. Eesti keele väliskohakäänete ja kaassõnade pealpealepealt kasutus eestikeelses veebis. (paper presented at the conference “Grammatikat lüpsmas / Kielioppia lypsämässä” at the University of Tartu, Estonia, 11 April 2019)

2019. Klavan, Jane. Combining corpus-linguistic and experimental methods for the study of constructional alternations. (invited talk at the QLVL research group, KU Leuven, Belgium, 13 March 2019)


2018. Klavan, Jane, Arvi Tavast, & Aleksei Kelli. The Legal Aspects of Using Data from Linguistic Experiments for Creating Language Resources. (paper presented at the 8th conference “Human Language Technologies: The Baltic Perspective”, Tartu, Estonia, September 27-29, 2018)

2018. Klavan, Jane & Alice Blumenthal-Dramé. The role of frequency in morpho-syntactic alternations: An experimental study from Estonian. (paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn, Estonia, 29 August 2018)

2018. Klavan, Jane. The genitive alternation in Estonian EFL learners. (paper presented at the conference “The Perspective of Applied Linguistics”, the 17th Annual Conference of the Estonian Association of Applied Linguistics, Tallinn, Estonia, 20 April 2018)

2018. Klavan, Jane. A multivariate analysis of the alternation between the adessive case and postposition peal ‘on’ in Estonian dialectal data. (paper presented at the conference “Grammar of non-standard varieties in the East of the Circum-Baltic area” at the University of Tartu, Estonia, 2 February 2018)


2017. Klavan, Jane. Kognitiivne keeleteadus arvude rägastikus. (paper presented at the conference “Kvantitatiivne pööre keeleteaduses — mis saab teooriast?” V konverents sarjas “Teoreetiline keeleteadus Eestis” at the University of Tartu, Estonia, 24 November 2017)

2017. Klavan, Jane. Combining corpus-linguistic and experimental methods for the study of constructional alternations. (invited talk at the HumLab, University of Sheffield, UK, 8 November 2017)

2017. Klavan, Jane, Merli Kirsimäe & Aare Undo. Pitting automated part-of-speech tagging against manual tagging: a case study of Estonian Learner English data. (paper presented at the conference “Open licences, open content, open data: tools for developing digital humanities” at Estonian National Museum / Estonian Literary Museum, Estonia, 2 November 2017)

2017. Kirsimäe, Merli & Jane Klavan. Do Estonian ELF speakers follow similar patterns of article use as identified for English as a lingua franca? (paper presented at the 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference, Bolzano / Bozen, Italy, 5 October 2017)

2017. Tragel, Ilona, Jane Klavan & Mariann Proos. Circular thinking and zig -zag living: Estonian verbs in a free form drawing task (Abstract). (paper presented at ICLC-14, Tartu, Estonia, 12 July 2017)