Johannes Semper – about


Cornelius Hasselblatt, Johannes Semper. – 300 Baltic Writers: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. A Reference guide to authors and their works. Ed by Eva Eglāja-Kristsone, Virginijus Gasiliūnas, Anneli Mihkelev. Vilnius: Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences et al, 2009, 387 pp.
Katre Talviste, On the Way towards Modernity: an Estonian Poet’s Relationship with the City. – Interlitteraria, vol 12, 2007, pp 361-370.

N. Gelfand, Semper, Johannes. – Handbuch der Sowjetliteratur (1917-1972). Leipzig: Verlag für Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 1975, pp 468-469.


Renata Blodow, Punased nelgid. – Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon. Herausgegeben von Walter Jens. Band 15. München: Kindler, 1991, p 166. [About ‘Rote Nelken’ (‘Punased nelgid’).]
Renata Blodow, Punased nelgid. – Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Band 5. Zürich: Kindler, 1969, pp 2822-2823. [About ‘Rote Nelken’ (‘Punased nelgid’).]