Hilda Esko – poems

In compilations, anthologies, magazines

Anthology of Modern Estonian Poetry. Compiled and translated by W. K. Matthews. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1953, 161 pp. [Poems by Juhan Liiv, A. Haava, H. Visnapuu, H. Adamson, M. Under, H. Talvik, B. Alver, U. Masing, J. Lõo, H. Esko, K. Ahven, R. Kolk, R. Veer, P. Krusten, K. Ristikivi, K. Lepik, I. Grünthal, E. Enno, G. Suits, K. Merilaas, J. Oks, V. Ridala, A. Adson, J. Sütiste, B. Kangro, A. Sang, A. Viirlaid.]

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