Excercise 1: Discussion after watching the film and reading the theoretical part

Duration: 45 min

Methods: individual and group work

Materials: printed or electronic version of Worksheet 1



Work in pairs. Think and answer the questions on Worksheet.

  • What exactly do we try to accomplish by advocating the need for genocide education?
  • Can we expect that teaching in this area will reduce human rights violations around the world? Will that education help to spread democracy, tolerance, respect for other people, and openness to our countrymen/Others/strangers – migrants?
  • Can science that raises awareness of the enormity of the cruelty of which any human being is capable really contribute to better conduct of individuals and groups? Can it lead to a change in attitudes? Worksheet 1

After the group discussions and answering the questions, the teacher can continue in two ways:

  1. Ask each group to attach the answers with a magnet to the board. Then ask a group representative, chosen by the team, to summarise their work, discuss the answers, and point out the difficulties that emerged during the discussion or formulation of common answers. Allow time for comments and questions from the whole class after each summary. Write them down on a board or a flipchart. Summarise the group results.
  2. Ask a person from each group to briefly present the effects of their work and difficulties they encountered. After listening to all the summaries, continue with the next exercise. Inform the students that after completing all the exercises from e-module – and thus acquiring new knowledge – each group will be able to return to this exercise and complete it again or comment on the answers given earlier.