Eesti mereteadus 2022


Marine science is rapidly developing within Estonia. Recent years have shown a marked increase in the number of scientific publications, research projects and total funding obtained (mainly through increasing demand for applied research). Clearly visible is the active internationalisation and cross-border cooperation that underpins this field of science. Estonian marine experts and scientists play crucial roles in numerous scientific advisory bodies both nationally and internationally. 
As is tradition, every five years we organise an event to explore the current status and development of marine science in Estonia. With this conference we are pleased to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Estonian Marine Institute. 
The conference programme includes presentations from all the current leading marine research groups within the country with experienced marine researchers as well as young scientists presenting their most exciting and engaging research topics. We seek to discuss future trends and perspectives for the development of marine research in Estonia and hope to gain insight into the exciting future this research holds.