Folkloristika ja pärandirakenduste magistritööd
Antud õppekavalt on siin esile toodud vaid need magistritööd, mis on kaitstud käsitööpärandi uurimise ja rakendamise suunal.
Kristel Ruutma ‘Transmission of Craft Knowledge: Making a Classical Ballet Dress’ (magistriprojekt, juhendaja Diana Tuulik)
Vassa Yakymets ʻFinding the needle: the mnemonic role of vernacular textile crafting in ethnic identity solidification and maintenanceʼ (magistriprojekt; juhendajad Kristi Jõeste ja Laur Vallikivi)
Chahal Garg ‘CRAFTECH FUTURES: Speculative Futures of Craft and Technology Convergence’ (magistriprojekt, juhendaja Elo-Hanna Seljamaa)
Reyhaneh Ghoroghchian ‘The Lords of the Zagros Mountains: The Struggles of Modern Qashqai Nomads and Ways to Preserve Their Fleeting Culture’ (magistritöö, juhendja Kristin Kuutma)
Evgeniya Grafskaya ‘Papermaking Guidebook for Beginners. Craft and Recycling on a Budget’ (magistriprojekt, juhendaja Elo-Hanna Seljamaa)
Siarhiej Makarevich ʻRevitalisation of the Local Weaving Tradition in the Hancavičy District (Belarus)ʼ (magistriprojekt, juhendaja Kristin Kuutma)
Sabīne Puste ʻPodcast on Korean Traditional Craftsʼ (magistriprojekt; juhendaja Kristi Jõeste)
Emily Celeste Watts ʻThe Muhu Slipper as a Cultural Object: An Examination of the Importance of Place, History, and Attributionʼ (magistriprojekt, juhendaja Kristi Jõeste)
Audrey Scrugham ʻEmbodied Knowledge and the Process of Creative Empowerment through the Art and Craft of Zine-makingʼ (magistriprojekt; juhendaja Kristi Jõeste)
Nurjahan Hadi ʻTransformation of a Traditional Textile Craft: A Case Study of Nakshi Kanthaʼ (juhendajad Ave Matsin, Kristi Jõeste)