We discovered anthropogenic glaciation of supercooled liquid-water clouds and anthropogenic snowfall events downwind industrial aerosol hot spots (Toll et al., 2024 Science).
In the image on the left, the plume of snow is seen downwind of the cement factory when glaciated clouds have cleared away.
We discovered plume-shaped industrial aerosol perturbations on liquid-water clouds that we use as opportunistic experiments to better constrain anthropogenic climate forcing (Toll et al., 2019 Nature).
In the image on the right, bright greyish aerosol-polluted cloud lines are visible in the near-infrared composite satellite image. Polluted cloud tracks originate from the industrial and urban aerosol sources marked with bright white.
We discovered large-scale anthropogenic aerosol perturbations on liquid-water clouds (Trofimov et al., 2020 JGR Atmospheres).
In the image on the left, bright greyish large-scale aerosol-polluted cloud area is visible in the western part of the near-infrared composite satellite image.
Velle presented the contemporary scientific understanding of anthropogenic climate change in the Parliament of Estonia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGHUI7APtqM
Best Oral Presentation Award to Jorma Rahu for the presentation “Ground-based Precipitation Radar Signatures of Anthropogenic Snowfall Events Downwind of Industrial Air Pollution Hot Spots” 12th European Conference on RADar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD 2024), September 9-13 https://www.erad2024.it/ https://poster.easyabstract.it/ERAD2024/abstract/15091/161/882 …
Our research was covered by phys.org https://phys.org/news/2024-11-industrial-factories-trigger-local-snowfall.html
Our research was covered by the Chemical and Engineering News https://cen.acs.org/environment/atmospheric-chemistry/Industrial-plumes-seed-snow/102/i36?sc=230901_cenrssfeed_eng_latestnewsrss_cen
Our research was covered by NAUTILUS https://nautil.us/when-pollution-brings-snow-1131658/?utm_source=tw-naut&utm_medium=organic-social
Our research was covered by the NewScientist https://www.newscientist.com/article/2456202-plumes-of-pollution-from-big-factories-can-make-it-snow
Our research was covered by The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/11/14/industrial-pollution-ice-altering-clouds-snow
Analyses of the 2014 Iceland–Holuhraun volcanic eruption revealed the emitted aerosols induced a 10% increase in cloud coverage above the region, suggesting anthropogenic aerosols might strongly cool the Earth’s climate by increasing the cloud coverage. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-022-00997-0
With the new academic year, a joint project of Estonian universities was launched, aiming to increase the climate awareness of Estonian society with systematic climate education at all levels of education. In the project, education strategies are developed, learning materials …