Invited speakers and sessions

Invited speakers

  • Adelchi Azzalini, University of Padova, Italy
    On the use of ordered factors as explanatory variables

  • Katarzyna Filipiak, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
    Safety belt estimation under the multivariate linear model

  • Solomon W. Harrar, University of Kentucky, USA
    Overcoming biomarker bias with finite mixtures for multivariate outcomes

  • Thomas Mikosch, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
    Extreme value theory for multivariate heavy-tailed time series

  • Hannu Oja, University of Turku
    Notions of dispersion, kurtosis and information: From principal components to independent components



Invited sessions

New Analytics for Complex Correlated Data
  • Organizer: Peter Song, University of Michigan, USA, Quantile mediation analysis 
  • Margaret Banker, Northwestern University, USA, Changepoint and functional parameter estimation with an accelerometer data application
  • Ostap Okhrin, Dresden University of Technology, Germany, Addressing maximization bias in reinforcement learning with two-sample testing
  • Menggang Yu, University of Michigan, USA, Sufficient dimension reduction for populations with structured heterogeneity

Predictive Density Estimation
  • Organizer: Éric Marchand, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, The search for efficient predictive density estimators in multivariate models
  • Takeru Matsuda, University of Tokyo, Japan, Matrix estimation and prediction via singular value shrinkage
  • Fumiyasu Komaki, University of Tokyo, Japan, Improving predictions based on right invariant priors for group models
  • Keisuke Yano, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan, Predictive inference in linear mixed models

Statistical Modeling and Inference on Complex Network Data
  • Organizer: Wen Zhou, Colorado State University, USA,  Detection and statistical inference on informative core and periphery structures in weighted directed networks
  • Yuan Zhang, Ohio State University, USA,  U-statistic reduction: Higher-order accurate risk control and statistical-computational trade-off, with application to network method-of-moments
  • Ji Zhu, University of Michigan, USA, A latent space model for hypergraphs with diversity and heterogeneous popularity
  • Yunpeng Zhao, Colorado State University, USA, Community detection with heterogeneous block covariance mode