About the project

A climate aware person changes society, not the climate.

Climate change!? Is it a myth or reality? Does anything depend on me? How does it affect us? Should we fight against climate change or adapt to the changes? What is climate anxiety?

Esilehe piltClimate change threatens ecosystems and human society. Effectively tackling climate change starts with climate awareness: an understanding of the causes of global warming and the skills to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate change. The main objective of the project is to increase climate awareness in Estonian society through systematic climate education at all levels of education.

To this end, we will create a climate education programme that addresses the causes of global warming, the impacts of climate change on nature and human society, and develops skills to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Climate education will shape climate-friendly values by supporting the creation of a climate-resilient and climate-friendly society that values sustainable development. We will create climate education strategies, modern science-based teaching materials and support the introduction of climate education in educational institutions.

The project “Climate Awareness from School to Society: empowering children, youth and teachers to reduce the impacts of climate change” partners are the University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University and the University Museum of Bergen in Norway. 

The project is funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (EEA) under the ‘Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation’ Open Call for Proposals ‘Raising Climate Awareness’.