Inglise keele vanasõnad, kõnekäänud ja idiomaatilised väljendid

Module 4 Exercise 1

Choose the correct answer

1. What kind of a proposal is that? Which ever way we choose|we have to follow their demands. There is no choice at all – it is just a !

2. Is this the substitute player or the man the club was seeking to sign the contract with? – Well|you see from how well he plays – he´s !

3. Why|is Jim shouting there again? – Well|he is. Unbelievable|only minutes ago he was such a nice person. He´s got a personality|that´s for sure.

4. Saving again? Come on|it´s just a small pub dinner|you Scrooge/!
- Does your son ever manage to  remember all his assignments and chores?
-  Recently it´s been a nightmare. I often think he would need an older friend or role model – or may-be just an assistant to look after him in all that. We really need a!

5. Gosh|isn´t he fat! Well|don´t say it! Poor guy – he´s indeed  our true .