Twinning on Functional Antimicrobial Surfaces Testing and Evaluation for Real-world Performance and Sustainability (FAST-Real)


12. September 2024: Official start of the FAST-Real project

The start of the FAST-Real project was marked by the press-release from the University of Tartu.

27. September 2024: The Night of Scientists

The University of Tartu organized “The Night of scientists” 27 September 2024. The main activities of this event were located at the Institute of Physics and Institute of Chemistry. The aim of the event was to attract more interest of general public to material science and education. The program of the event included, particularly, demonstration experiments, quests and excursions to the laboratories.  The event attracted attention both general public and university students and researchers.

Young researchers obtained nice possibility to train their speaking and presentational skills in front of an audience. Experienced researchers got acquainted with the scientific topics of their colleagues in related fields of knowledge and were interested in ongoing and new scientific projects, their goals, plans and prospects for involvement in the work. In particular, the FAST-Real project banner attracted the attention of both experienced and young researchers.

It is because the project co-adviser Prof. Vambola Kisand fascinatingly told about the present achievements and nearest plans for development of antibacterial photocatalytic surfaces. He especially emphasized the opening possibilities for training and scientific and management carrier development for the young researchers. It became possible by means of planned trainings, staff exchange visits and sharing with Tartu University of the best practice by the project participants from the University of Oulu, Finland,the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology and Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany.

06-09 October 2024: International Scientific Conference FMNT 2024

The scope of FM&NT-NIBS 2024 conference covers experimental and theoretical research on functional materials, nanotechnology, optical materials, novel characterisation methods, low dimensional systems and green and sustainable energy technologies and environment, bioengineering materials, biotechnologies and health, and yet more. FM&NT-NIBS 2024 provides an ideal academic platform for researchers to present their latest research findings and describe emerging technologies and directions in Functional Materials, Nanotechnologies, and Innovation issues.

One of the key investigators of the FAST-Real project Prof. Vambola Kisand from the Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, outlined the state of novel inorganic coatings prospective for the antimicrobial applications at the University of Tartu in the conference report “Photocatalytic materials for antimicrobic coatings” made on October 08, 2024 at 11:20. He accentuated that FAST-Real project appeared in course of the development of long-term cooperation between the groups of material scientists from the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the University of Tartu. In particular, a group of microbiologists led by professor Angela Ivask, coordinating FAST-Real project, conducted a number of experiments confirming the prospects for the development and use of antimicrobial photocatalytic surfaces with the involvement of leading international institutions in this field, such as EMPA (The Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technologies), UOULU (the University of Oulu, Finland), BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and testing) performing as twinning partners and sharing their experience with the University of Tartu.

Ensuring such development through the implementation of the Fast-Real project interested the conference participants, who also actively communicated with the speaker at the rolled-up banner of the FAST-Real project presented at the conference.

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