Seminar in Tartu

“Introduction to virtual exchanges in the social sciences: tools, methods, processes, and challenges” 

Relevance and scope: Virtual exchange (VE) programs have been rapidly expanding in recent years. More and more universities are providing VE programs to their learners to enhance their digital competencesand transferable skillsas well as to offer an intercultural environment in the study process. Setting up a course using collaborative online learning requires knowledge on task design, choice of digital technologies and online coordination with co-teachers and this is exactly what this workshop is offering. It also enables participants to network with others in order to establish potential virtual exchange courses.

Brief description: two-day training at the Univeristy of Tartu will include lectures on theoretical aspects of virtual exchange and the training will also cover practical exercises, which will introduce teaching staff to VE terminology and didactics, tips, and case studies of effective implementation.

Format: discussion sessions will allow participants to get to know one another and the courses they teach. Working groups will be created, consisting of pairs of teaching staff who will design VE scenarios for their courses. Seminar trainers will hold individual consultations with each group to discuss initial ideas.

Target audience: the two-day workshop is targeted to the academics or programme developers in the field of Social Sciences from EnVision partner universities looking for opportunities to internationalize their courses and give students first-hand experience of intercultural communication.

Learning outcomes: upon completing the training, a lecturer will be able to:
– identify the main features of virtual exchange programs; 
– discuss and argued about didactic approaches of integrating virtual exchange in a course and curriculum;
– identify and select appropriate assessment methods for virtual exchange in a course; 
– discuss and distinguish different communication technologies appropriate for virtual exchange; 
– discuss the issues related to intercultural communication and collaboration; 
– collaborate with a colleague on preliminary ideas related to implementation of virtual exchange. 

  • Call for application could be found below in a PDF format. 
  • Program of the training could be found below in a PDF format.
  • Training material and slides could be found below in a PDF format.