Empire of Solidarities: a Connected History of Private Charity Across a Decentred Romanov Empire, 1855–1914

The Empire of Solidarities research project (2025–2029) studies the historical formation of horizontal solidarities between different regions of the Romanov Empire through the lens of intra-imperial private charity. 

Over a period of five years, the research group will trace ideas and emotions related to solidarity. The team will study everyday experiences and practices of grassroots charity interconnecting four diverse imperial regions: Baltic provinces, Southwestern provinces, South Caucasus, and Turkestan. Finally, we will draw together these findings to map flows and networks of intra-imperial aid spanning the empire to generate larger trends and spatial patterns of giving. 

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (EMPSOLID grant no. 101162204). The project is based at the Centre for Eurasian and Russian Studies (CEURUS) at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu. 

On this site, you can find information about our research themes and case studies, events, publications, and blog.

Banner image: Mayflower lapel pin sold to raise funds to help people suffering from tuberculosis, Helsinki, 1912. Source: Helsinki City Museum.

❗We are happy to share that our project "Empire of Solidarities" has launched its website!❗There you can find more information about the project itself, the people involved and much more! 👉Here is the link: www.empsolid.ee

EMPSOLID ERC (@empsolid.bsky.social) 2025-02-14T09:25:32.736Z

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